<p>First, I'll just say, I wrote probably about 1,000 words and tried to post. It said I wasn't logged in and now have to rewrite everything. Oh well.</p>
<p>Anyway, here is my situation:</p>
<p>I am at Hofstra with a 3.84 GPA after my first semester. I'm on my way to hopefully keep that 3.8+ GPA, but don't know if I want to stay at Hofstra.</p>
<p>My highschool GPA was probably 3.2-3.5 (unweighted 87) and SATS 1180. ECs, if they matter, are track, snowboard club, cheerleading senior year, musical senior year, and musical first semester of college (4 hours 6 days a week killed me, so nothin this semester).</p>
<p>I'm an accounting major, but switching to what I really want to pursue: psychology (double english maybe, for my own love of writing, so creative writing focus) and then, hopefully, go to law school afterwards and combine both those loves of mine. </p>
<p>What schools in the NE (New York preferrably) should I look into with a decent chance to transfer into my junior year (or mid sophmore)?? </p>
<p>I was thinking for my first choice I'd go with Cornell (strong psych program and prestige). Is that possible for me? I have 3 friends who are going there from my graduating class who love it, so I think I'd like the school (they seem to take a lot of kids from my highschool).</p>
<p>Any other college ideas are helpful. </p>
<p>Below is a more detailed response of why I'm leaving Hofstra:
(It's for those with the time/effort to read. I'd be greatful if people can read this and help me out, I'm sort of lost)</p>
<p>Well, as you can see above, my high school grades are not great (for me at least). In high school I didn't try or care. I was immature and lazy. I somehow managed to keep up an 87 average (unweighted, don't know weighted average, but it's probably higher because of APs). I got an 1180 on my SATs with little preparation and was stupid and didn't try retaking it. So, I ended up putting no thought to college and just applied to two schools I thought I'd get into: Northeastern and Hofstra. Hofstra gave me more money and was overall less expensive, so that was my decision. </p>
<p>I've enjoyed my classes and my professors have been very informative and taught me a lot (especially my english professor). However, there are a two main reasons I want to leave: Prestige and People. </p>
<p>The people here are ok and I am a friendly guy so I don't mind anyone, but my classes are filled with (to be nice) not so smart people. Yet, it's not really from an actual intelligence standpoint mostly, it's from the fact that they are just ignorant, annoying, and immature. Also, many of them just don't value education and skip class, don't pay attention, don't do any work, and it's ridiculous how little it seems they want to learn. It's just, I've grown out of my immaturity (although I was never that bad) and this seems like a second high school. It doesn't seem to be for me. </p>
<p>In addition to the people, there is the prestige. It seems Hofstra just won't help me land as good of a job or help me get into a good law school. I do realize Hofstra has a pretty good law school, but I just feel I'm settling. However, I'm not sure how good or bad Hofstra is (an honest opinions wanted), but I know it's not great and think I could and should aim higher. It would not only maybe improve my education, but it will also (hopefully) improve the atmosphere as well.</p>
<p>What do you all think?</p>
<p>Any advice, opinions, and help are really appreciated. I'm sorry this post is so lengthy (it was longer the first time I attempted posting ha), I have a lot to say I guess (usually do, lol).</p>