transfering to cornell..

<p>hmm i know someone with GPA of 3.5 from a california community college got accepted to cornell this fall..</p>

<p>he does have extracurricular activities longer than a research paper.. </p>

<p>just wondering... what exactly cornell is looking for in a transfer application from a CC</p>

<p>they aren't looking for strong candidates who apply to CAS, thats for sure.</p>

<p>u mean that in the sense that strong candidates applying to CAS are systematically being rejected becuase they feel theyre only using cornell as a transfer safety?</p>

<p>also. anyone get decisons?</p>

<p>naw, it was just sarcastic. but I mean you really ought to be a strong candidate if you don't have GT, and especially if you're applying to CAS.</p>

<p>Kinda depends what school you're looking to transfer to. Beyond the usuals like great grades and test scores....things like EC's differ among the schools.</p>