Transferring and living at home for college?

I am a current freshman in my second semester of college on Oahu and I am considering on transferring to a college back at home on Maui. I live in one of my aunty’s houses and this past year I found that I am not genuinely happy or do not find comfort here. The academics at my college is great, perfect for my major, and I made friends. I go out to places with them but when I’m alone, I still feel depressed and not content. Here are the pros and cons of going back home:

  • Tuition back at home: Around $5,000 only. On Oahu: almost $30K (I attend private). Same major, very cheap price.
  • I would have my own car! The students at my college are mainly commuters and I envy them for having the ability to drive anywhere. For me, I have to take the bus and its difficult and long wait because it has unreliable timing and its sketchy to ride the bus at night alone. My aunt would give me rides but she also has places to go to (which I understand). At home, my drive would be 15-20 minutes.
  • Privacy! I shared a room with a girl and the first semester we were really close. Now we came back from vacation and its been awkward and we both realized that we just need to get away from each other. We still share rooms but the atmosphere is just awkward and I don’t feel comfortable.
  • Silence. In one of my aunt’s house, there was too much noise. A teenage boy always talked to his girlfriend and played video games on the tv and his little bro would always yell and run around. I don’t have anything against them but their noises are so loud to the point where even I close the door, I couldn’t even concentrate. I need silence to concentrate.
  • Home cooked meals! My aunty would deliver food sometimes, but I basically ate ramen, chips, chocolate, sausage. My health was bad. Back at home, my grandmother would serve up healthy meals and I would be healthier.
  • Independence. My mother would actually let me off on my own but with limitations to no drinking, smoking, partying. Which is fine cause I shouldn’t be doing those anyway.
  • Family Oriented: I love my family so much and I worry about them. I tend to tear up whenever I facetime with them too and its embarassing in front of people that I live with.


  • Transferring after one year. Is it a waste of time? People might judge me and think I couldn’t handle it when really I think I am am very mature and independent.
  • The school I’m attending is a direct entry nursing program (meaning I’m already in the program) which is pretty rare.

My mom tells its just 3 more years but my sister told me that if you’re miserable and unhappy then 3 years will feel like an eternity. I appreciate my aunty for the hospitality and helping save money but right now, I just don’t feel that Oahu is for me. I think I would be a lot happier on Maui with my family and I would live an easier life. After all, happiness and comfort, despite the stress of college, is important to me.
But someone please help me. My decisions are on a borderline and I need opinions and advice from others.

“miserable and unhappy”

You’re paying a lot more money to be miserable? Forget that. You only have two cons, and one is what other people think. Forget that, too.

“I think I would be a lot happier on Maui with my family and I would live an easier life. After all, happiness and comfort, despite the stress of college, is important to me”
that in itself is enough of a reason to transfer back home, but when you add the in the $$ you will save it becomes a “no-brainer” .

Yes. What is the problem here? Go home and save a boatload of money.

Go home!!!

What is paying for the private? Financial aid free money? Or loans?

Institutional merit scholarship ($12,500 per year), $5,000 worth of loans, school grants, and pell grant. I only paid $3,400 this year out of pocket money.

Well, technically, with the loans, you’re paying 8500 per year. How did you pay the 3400? Your parents pay that? Or did you pay it by working?

If you can go to a Maui school for free and get your BSN, do that. Crazy to take on $20k+ of debt for no reason.

Who cares what others say? In three years you’ll shut them up with your BSN and good job.

As long as you can get your nursing degree on Maui then I’d transfer to a school there. Don’t worry what others think, do what works for you.

my parents did and partly from savings (from parties, allowances not spent, etc). I wasn’t able to find a job during high school because I had AP classes and my parents didn’t recommend me to do so. I had help from other family members as well.

Is the BSN through the Maui school guaranteed?

I have to check with the admissions counselor. They’re working on a BSN program but for now its associates. But since I’m just in my first year, I shouldn’t worry so much. Only taking the general pre-reqs on the nursing path.

My niece lives on Maui. She could only go for an associate degree. She was going to transfer to UofH but other things got in the way.
I would recommend that you go back home, attend Maui CC and get the associate degree. Her friend did MCC, then transferred for the last two years to U of H.

You could go back to your university after you are a little more comfortable with yourself and know what you want to do.

If you goal is to become a RN I would be hesitant to transfer to a college that does not have an accredited 4 year program. Do you research and get more information about the program in Maui – they could still be years away from offering a BSN degree.

I was surprised to see that nursing in Hawaii is a little different.

IMHO finish up the lower cost programs you are in. Read all you can about options later. I didn’t realize the Hawaii is trying to ‘catch up’ with BSN’s and is not part of the NCLEX nursing testing from what I briefly read.

You should be concentrating a lot on the learning. You can change your attitude - that is something you can do to be happier.

I totally agree not to take on unnecessary debt.

Yeah that’s why my decision is on borderline. As much as I want to get that BSN at a 4 year college, its hard because my current uni’s tuition raises $2K higher every year, debt is already $5K and going to increase, and my mother’s rent at home might increase too. My current college is too expensive and apprently they aren’t going to raise our merit scholarships either so that’s more money to spend on. My living situation is also not the greatest as I’ve mentioned before. It’s just going to take a toll on me, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I’m surprised I even got good decent grades. So my best decision to go back home, get a job, and save money while attending school.

I already have a backup plan tho. It involves taking distance learning classes at UH Hilo while staying on Maui or going to UH Manoa for 2 years and dorm there after getting my associate’s degree. Seems like a lot of transfers but Maui college, UH Hilo, and UH Manoa are all under the UH system so its flexible.

very interesting info. Thank you for sharing :slight_smile: But yes, most Hawaii colleges are starting to get BSN programs ready. Since Maui college has become a university and no longer a community college, its starting to offer bachelor’s degrees.
I do concentrate a lot on the learning but I think I’d be happier saving money on Maui. I’m trying my best to lessen my financial burdens and find my source of comfort, happiness, and benefits.

Short term pain for long term gain. You are right to be concerned about student debt, and keeping it low!