<p>At all the top schools (Yale, Stanford, Penn), the transfer rates are extremely low, but what if you are transferring from one of those top schools? Is the acceptance rate higher? Lower? I currently attend MIT and have gotten a good GPA for the first term, excellent HS records (Top 5% at one of the best prep schools in the nation), 2350 SAT, and similar SAT II scores. I have the HS and college stats, but is it still going to be difficult beyond belief? (Recommendations will be very hard, but I will get some good ones from HS and one from a professor I will do Economics research with)</p>
<p>I’ve heard it’s actually more difficult to transfer from one top school to another because your reasons for transfer are less compelling. They’ll want to know what, specifically, you can get out of Stanford that you can’t get out of MIT. Someone in Community college or a Tier 4 school probably has more compelling reasons for transfer, whereas you’re coming from a similar environment. So no, it’s not easier, but you still have a really good chance because chances are if you got into MIT, you had an exeptional HS record, and having a high GPA at a top college like MIT is more impressive than a high GPA at community college. Good luck</p>
<p>Just out of curiosity, why do you want to transfer? A top MIT student is gonna be as competitive (employment-wise) as any HYP graduate.</p>
<p>MIT is an excellent school. But I can see why it may be unsuitable for some people. The campus is just unique and so the students might be experiencing something different from what they had in mind.</p>