Transferring from private to public school

I just got accepted to UW-Madison. I currently attend Marquette University which is private, and I wondering how drastic the change will be going from a private to a public school. I'm pretty social and like to party and what not. Regardless, it will be a big change. Lots of decisions, like where to live.</p>

<p>So I was wondering anyones thoughts of the school, or maybe some other words of encouragement for me to go to Madison for sure.</p>

<p>Also, I'll be a transfer student as a sophomore, and little indecisive on where to live, so if anyone knows of a good place to live...?</p>

<p>Congrats on the transfer! You will need to adjust to the campus size and diversity. The campus is so much nicer than the near downtown Marquette one (I know both cities/campuses). You made a good decision. Prepare to work hard, not just party, or you won’t last. UW has so much more on its campus and Madison is more pleasant than Milwaukee. The Catholic Center is across from the Memorial Library if you choose to keep that a part of your life.</p>

<p>Too late for Res Halls- it’s full. Check the off campus housing guide for places- check “more” under Housing on the UW site, then go through the matching steps. Use Google street view and Bing maps to view apt neighborhoods. You can find places very close to campus- use the search tool to put in your parameters. West of campus is quieter than east of campus- further from the downtown homeless… Much safer neighborhoods surround UW. Plan on living by yourself. Still many choices. No matter where you live prepare to walk a lot on campus. Also- be sure you actually see the places you are interested in before signing any lease. You may need to make viewing appts a few days in advance, so do your online research, call management companies and plan a trip to Madison shortly. Plan on having a parent cosigner- that’s the norm.</p>

<p>thanks for all the info.
I just sent in a 300 dollars deposit for the contract to live in Residence Halls, but if its full, will they just send that back to me?</p>

<p>Do u know anything about this Campus connect places, (regent, lucky, highlander), I don’t think its too late to live there?</p>

<p>I am just about to apply for campus housing on Monday, but it is late in the process so no gaurentees. I am starting to look at Lucky and the Towers. Both look nice but the Towers are much cheaper. If you cant find a roomate and are looking to live in one of those on-campus apartments, let me know; maybe it could work out.</p>

<p>The nonRes Halls places you listed will have info on the off campus site. Do your homework.</p>

<p>Congratulations on your transfer. Not sure where Wis75 gets the idea that UW is more diverse than Marquette though. More than half of Marquette students are from out of state, plus Marquette has twice the percentage of under-represented minorities (African American and Hispanic) as UW-Madison. The only “adjustment to diversity” that you’ll likely have to make at UW-Madison is seeing less of it.</p>

<p>^Ah yes, because diversity only means race. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Dude, why are you still here? You’re boring, give incorrect information, and you’re just butthurt that your kid got denied. Get over it already.</p>

<p>“You’re just butthurt that your kid got denied?” Honestly? Hopefully you’re not typical of the UW-Madison undergraduate population.</p>

<p>I didn’t say that diversity was just about race. I also pointed out that UW has more kids from out of state. The point being that whether one school is more diverse than the other is hardly a given. Neither is particularly diverse, and it’s certainly incorrect for wis75 to suggest otherwise. And as I’ve said before, my kid was not denied at UW.</p>

<p>And I’m not a “dude.”</p>

<p>Marquette: 16% underrepresented minorities (10% african american and hispanic)</p>

<p>UW Madison: 18% underrepresented minorities (7% african american and hispanic)</p>



<p>What? Because I’m sick of someone spouting nonsense every chance they get on a board they really have no purpose on?</p>

<p>Oh and dude (not a dude, right? Ah, nevermind, you are a dude. Every man woman and child is a dude to me), the same thing could be said of you regarding parents of prospective students. :] Honestly. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Um, stooge, I got news for you: Asians and internationals are not considered “under-represented” minorities.</p>

<p>"Marquette has twice the percentage of under-represented minorities (African American and Hispanic) as UW-Madison. "</p>

<p>7 plus 7 does not equal 10.</p>

<p>“Um, stooge, I got news for you: Asians and internationals are not considered “under-represented” minorities.”</p>

<p>Um, please tell that to the SE Asian community.</p>

<p>Marquette is a religious based school- it lacks a diversity of ideologies that will be available on the UW campus. All of the students going to Marquette have to accept the underlying brand of Catholicism it espouses. A secular/public institution of UW-Madison’s nature will challenge the typical Marquette U students’ view of the world. Things students take for granted because of their upbringing. Exposure to students who would never consider MU because of the religion. One word- atheism.</p>

<p>Wis75, I absolutely knew that’s what you were thinking, and it’s pretty telling. Marquette is a Jesuit college, the most liberal and intellectual brand of Catholic colleges, and a full 25 percent of its student body self-identify as having no religious preference whatsoever. Yours is simply a knee-jerk, uninformed – and, I dare say, bigoted? --opinion that has no basis in fact. You’re basically saying that Catholic schools by definition cannot be diverse. The fact is that there are many, many Catholic schools out there that are way, way more diverse than UW. Marquette may not be the most diverse among Catholic colleges, but it’s certainly at least as diverse as UW, which of course isn’t saying much considering how lilly white and middle class UW is.</p>

<p>This from US News:</p>

<p>Collegebound students who believe that studying with people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds is important will want to consider student-body diversity when choosing a school. To identify colleges where students are most likely to encounter undergraduates from racial or ethnic groups different from their own, U.S. News factors in the total proportion of minority students; leaving out international students; and the overall mix of groups. The data are drawn from each institution’s 2008-2009 student body. The categories we use in our calculations are American Indians and Native Alaskans, Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders, African-Americans who are non-Hispanic, whites who are non-Hispanic, and Hispanics. Students who did not identify themselves as members of any demographic group were classified as whites who are non-Hispanic. Our formula produces a diversity index that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The closer a school’s number is to 1.0, the more diverse is the student population. </p>

<p>Here are some interesting numbers from the U.S. News list:</p>

<p>University of San Francisco (Jesuit): .60
Seton Hall University (Catholic): .49
Loyola/Chicago (Jesuit): .44
Fordham (Jesuit): .43
U-Va (for good measure): .43
Georgetown (Jesuit): .40
Boston College (Jesuit): .39
Notre Dame (!): .36
St. Louis (Jesuit): .33
Catholic U: .27
UW-Madison: .25</p>

<p>There are many more types of diversity than just ethnic. There is political, economic, even planned major or area of academic interest. UW roughly reflects the ethnic diversity of the state it serves and is also highly diverse in all the other factors making it an interesting and diverse place to most people. Greeks don’t dominate, pre-professionals don’t, engineers don’t, preppies don’t, hippies/greens don’t and on down the line. No religion dominates yet there are many many represented. There is something and someone for everyone at UW. That’s real diversity.</p>

<p>That’s fine, barrons, but try telling it to an African American.</p>

<p>They are quite welcome at UW and get many special programs including much lower admissions standards. As I posted earlier, the supply of even marginally qualified AA’s in Wisconsin is very limited and UW gets its fair share. If you want to condemn the Milwaukee and other public schools feel free. That is where the problem really exists.</p>

<p>And as I’ve posted on other threads, UW’s African American applicant pool isn’t limited to poor inner city Milwaukee schools. UW recruits on a national level; counting Minnesota, a third of UW students come from outside the state, including many states (such as Minnesota itself) with sizeable African American communities. You can’t blame UW’s diversity problem – and horrific graduation rates for minority students – on state demographics alone.</p>

<p>An AA grad rate in the 57-59% range is hardly “horrific” compared with the overall national AA rate of 43%. You are more overwrought than usual. And that’s saying something. UW recruits paying students on a national basis. For those requiring large amounts of aid the recruiting is more limited. And minority students from OOS get the largest share of that by far.</p>

<p>Let’s try to keep threads on the subject posted. </p>

<p>OP- I think you will enjoy the freedom from religion of a public school while still being able to exercise any beliefs you choose. You will notice a difference- no matter how liberal a religious school is there is still that aspect of it present in the faculty’s frame of mind. Reality, not bigotry.</p>

<p>Milwaukee is much more conservative as a city and Catholic diocese than Madison is also. The size of the student body and campus will also be a plus. So many more course offerings. Enjoy.</p>