Transferring in the Fall

<p>College GPA of 3.86 with 72 credits amassed, but however have an abysmal 2.4 HS GPA. Also, took two yrs off, but worked at a neuroscience lab, advertised/marketed for a sports agency, and tutored students in both chem/math.</p>

<pre><code>What are my chances, especially coming from a community college

<p>Obviously I’m not an admissions counselor, but I think you’re 3.86 will help you a lot. You have good EC’s too, especially since high school ended. Obviously there isn’t anything you can do except apply, so go for it.</p>

<p>i’m also a community college transfer student! and im so nervous about whether or not i get accepted! good luck to you!</p>

<p>Good luck trying to fit in with the 21-22 year old crowds…</p>

<p>That’s a great upward trend, it’ll be in your favor… but you’ll just have to wait and see what happens in mid-April :)</p>