<p>I am currently enrolled in fall semester 2011 at a small university in southern Utah. I recently returned from an LDS mission 2 months ago and am seriously intending to apply to BYU-Provo as a transfer student. Before my mission I earned my Associates degree.</p>
<p>What are my chances of getting accepted?</p>
<p>My stats are:</p>
<p>College GPA: 3.59
Major: Psychology
Year: Junior
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Returned missionary
Eagle Scout, duty to God, seminary graduate
Many service hours</p>
<p>Thank you in advance for your help. =)</p>
<p>Does anyone view these posts?</p>
<p>I don’t know too much about BYU acceptance rates and who is more likely to get accepted. I feel like returning has a missionary would give you some sort of leg up. I got accepted to BYU Provo as a transfer for Winter 2011 and I had a GPA of 3.18, I think with a 3.59 you should be fine because I know a girl who got accepted as a freshman (which I’ve heard is a much harder feat.!) with a 3.5
Just do really well on your essays and it looks like all your credentials in place! I think thats the only reason they accepted me haha! Competitive GPA is 3.3 so you’re fine!</p>