Transferring to Colorado College- experiences?

I am completing my freshman year at American University in DC, and was accepted to CC as a transfer for next semester. I’m currently waiting to hear back from Pitzer (May 13) which a bit scary since I have to submit my decision for CC by May 16.
My main question is for any transfer students, or people that know transfers to CC. What has your experience been? Since it’s such a small school, do you feel isolated not coming in as a freshman? Do transfers mostly stick to themselves or is it really easy to meet new people? If you were given the choice again between your original school and CC, what would you choose? What schools did you originally come from and why?
Answering any or all of these questions is a huge help, as I am completely divided between CC, Pitzer, and staying at AU (just because it would be the easiest).
Thanks all!

I am not a transfer, but I can tell you that almost 20% of any given class does not start the first day of Block 1 on campus. Some start early in Bridge Scholars. Others are Winter Starts. Still others start abroad for their first 4 Blocks. Furthermore, there are always new faces coming and going, since so many students here study abroad for 1 to 4 Blocks,then come back to a dorm for the first time.

CC is pretty small,meaning that people tend to meet others out of necessity. I had Pomona on my list, so I have a reasonable sense of what Pitzer is about. CC is not as smallas Pitzer, but we also don’t have the consortium thing going,so the 2050 students here are all you get. What I can say is that the only way you can be isolated at CC is if you wish to be.