<p>I was wondering how hard is it to transfer from here to sdsu? I have nothing bad to say about this campus, its great, but its just not for me. It has been about 6 months already and I don't really feel comfortable here whereas for some odd reason I feel better whenever I'm at state. Currently I'm a freshman and my gpa is a 3.5, and I know for sure that I'm going to get straight A's this quarter since my classes are easy. I also did research on how to transfer! So please don't ask me to "look for myself". I just want some advice.
Thank you!</p>
<p>Write a good statement of intent and you should be in</p>
<p>yushi…look for urself and find urself hahaha im kidding…i think you would be happiest at a whore house in tijuana, or at sdsu, there sort of the same in many ways…anyways yushi good luck…make sure you dont miss the short bus on your first day lol im kidding lol</p>
<p>KaRaTe ChOp!</p>
<p>Not that difficult to transfer. However, why not study at the better school and spend the weekends at State? That’s the smart way to do things…</p>