<p>1) Can you transfer out of a BA/MD program to a traditional Top Tier MD program contingent on a super MCATscore and a solid GPA? </p>
<p>2) What other facets help?</p>
<p>If any of you CC'ers have tranferred out of a BA/MD program to a Top Tier MD program, </p>
<p>3) please post what worked best for you
4) what would you do differently regarding your attempt</p>
<li>Yes, most definitely. </li>
<li>Good ECs (research, clinical, etc) and strong rec. letters.</li>
<p>Thought about transferring out (have a 4.0 GPA and 39 MCAT), but decided not to (1. opportunity cost, 2. lose at least a year (probably 2), 3. needed stronger ECs and 4. doesn't really matter what med. school you go to).</p>
<p>Wow...can I ask what medical program you were in, becuase it seems you were satisfied enough with your guaranteed medical school.</p>
<p>Rutgers-UMDNJ (NJMS)</p>
<p>Interesting topic. Anyone else out there who can post your experience?</p>