
congrats on S's decision! Welcome to the Gamecock Family. Hope your arm is better by move in time!!!</p>

<p>New Gamecock Mom (and Others!!),</p>

<p>How do you get info on the times the shuttle runs for Thanksgiving break, in particular? We are looking at a very early flight on Wednesday, 11/25 and it would be great if the shuttle runs well before dawn. Thanks.</p>

<p>the shuttle to the airport would be run through the student government.I doubt they have the times laid out this far in advance. Don't worry...there will be some way for your kid to get to the airport (between friends,the shuttle,a cab if need be...)</p>

<p>the shuttle to columbia airport runs every 4 hours starting at 5 am.</p>

<p><a href=“Toolbox - Student Affairs and Academic Support | University of South Carolina”>Toolbox - Student Affairs and Academic Support | University of South Carolina;

<p>so thats good news Chris55…if next years shuttle shed is the same theres a 5 a.m. that should fit your needs</p>

<p>im a junior at USC and personally i didnt have a car freshman year. i also live in texas so driving home wasnt an option. i was concerned about the distance because i’m very close with my parents but i go home as much or more than people who live close without much problem. freshman year without a car i never had an issue gettin rides to the columbia airport because it’s so close and there were people who lived on my hall who were more than willing to drop me at the airport. i even had people drive me all the way to charlotte for flights home–i just offered them gas money and bought them a little present usually :slight_smile: mostly though transportation to and fro airports was not an issue at all! and on wkends when i couldnt go home, sometimes my friends brought me home with them (ex- i spent last easter in virginia with one of my sorority sisters).</p>