<p>Does anyone know if Duke helps pay for plane tickets, etc. for Blue Devil Days??</p>
<p>The online .pdf brochure (which I assume accepted students will be getting in the mail soon) mentions the term "travel assistance," but doesn't specify at all. It's just on a list of things about which you can find out more at admissions.duke.edu, but I don't see anything about BDD on there!</p>
<p>Any thoughts?</p>
<p>I hope they give this out, otherwise I won’t be able to visit.</p>
<p>^ Same unfortunately. lol round trip tickets from Hawaii are about 700 bucks…</p>
<p>Lol, let’s send them a letter:</p>
<p>“Look, Duke. We love you and everything, but we’re not quite ready to drop $500+ for 2 days on your campus. Would you mind paying for plane tickets for just the three of us? Pretty please?”</p>
<p>Four of us. =D</p>
<p>Yeah, I was looking at that on the brochure. Does that mean they’ll help pick you up from the airport, or that they’ll help pay? I heard that Dartmouth’s Dimensions program pays for the tickets and everything…</p>
<p>lol I highly doubt they’d pay for my 700 dollar tickets…but if they could chip in a 100 or 2 I might be able to make some things happen…</p>
<p>I don’t believe Duke does pay for any campus or Blue Devil Day visits. I remember last year they paid for some “Up Close” students to have a special orientation, but if you weren’t invited to that you were on your own dime.</p>
<p>If you aren’t able to visit, though, don’t just give up on finding more about the school. Here are some websites that you can use to get a better feel of Duke:</p>
<li>The Chronicle daily newspaper - [The</a> Chronicle](<a href=“http://www.dukechronicle.com/]The”>http://www.dukechronicle.com/)</li>
<li>Buzz student calendar - [Duke</a> Student Calendar](<a href=“http://buzz.duke.edu/]Duke”>http://buzz.duke.edu/)</li>
<li>Curriculum and academic information (Trinity) - [T-Reqs[/url</a>]</li>
<li>Further info for Pratt students - [url=<a href=“http://www.pratt.duke.edu/undergraduates]Pratt”>Undergraduate Admissions | Duke Pratt School of Engineering]Pratt</a> Undergraduates | Engineering at Duke University, Pratt School (SoE)](<a href=“http://t-reqs.trinity.duke.edu/]T-Reqs[/url”>http://t-reqs.trinity.duke.edu/)</li>
<li>Trinity departments - [Arts</a> & Sciences and Trinity College - Duke University : Departments](<a href=“http://www.aas.duke.edu/departments/]Arts”>http://www.aas.duke.edu/departments/)</li>
<li>Pratt departments - [Our</a> Departments | Engineering at Duke University, Pratt School (SoE)](<a href=“http://www.pratt.duke.edu/our-departments]Our”>Sustainable Solutions and Environmental Stewardship | Duke Pratt School of Engineering)</li>
<li>Student groups - [Home</a> - DukeGroups - Powered by CollegiateLink](<a href=“http://duke.collegiatelink.net/Community?action=getOrgBrowse&searchType=Contains&searchValue=&searchField=orgName&orderByField=name&sortOrder=0&firstResult=0&maxResults=25]Home”>http://duke.collegiatelink.net/Community?action=getOrgBrowse&searchType=Contains&searchValue=&searchField=orgName&orderByField=name&sortOrder=0&firstResult=0&maxResults=25)</li>
<li>Sports - [Duke</a> University Blue Devils | Official Athletics Site - GoDuke.com](<a href=“http://www.goduke.com/]Duke”>http://www.goduke.com/)</li>
<p>Also, talk to students and ask questions!</p>
<p>Bleh! I will have to wait till August!
<p>Costs me a fortune to go there from India!</p>