Trend of improvement?

<p>Hey Im currently a high school senior whose already submitted college apps, and I didn't have a very strong start in the beginning of my HS career.But I did manage a trend of improvement after the 2nd semester of my sophmore year. Would you guys consider this a strong trend of improvement? And would much would this help in college admissions? Thanks!</p>

<p>FROSH: (3.67 uw) (2.83 uw)
Success skills/Health-A/B
Bio -A/B
P.E. -B/A
English Honors -B/C
Art -A/B
Algebra 1 -A/C</p>

<p>SOPH: (3.67 uw) (3.83 uw)
P.E. -A/A
Oceanography -A/A
History -A/A
Geometry -D (made it up in summer school for an A)/B
English Honors -C/A
Spanish 1 - A/A</p>

<p>JUNIOR: (3.8 w) (4.0 w)
P.E. -A/A
Algebra 2 -B/B
Teachers Aid Pass
Physics -B/A
English -A/A</p>

<p>SENIOR: (4.3 w)
Spanish 2 -A
English -A
AP Psych -A
AP Gov -A
Pre Calc -A
AP Econ -B</p>

<p>Yes, it’s a nice upward trend. However, it’s impossible to predict how much difference it will make as many factors come into play: the college, the rest of your application, the strength of the applicant pool, etc.</p>

<p>thanks for the feedback</p>

<p>questions which you don’t have to answer here but need to have an answer if asked or it can be part of your college essay about yourself.</p>

<p>What was the issue with your early grades?</p>

<p>What did you do to fix it or learn from the experience? </p>

<p>As for your question. It is a positive trend. Better to learn this lesson in high school than in college. </p>