Trinity College Dublin

I was wondering if anyone knew anything about Trinity College Dublin (Not the American one)? Specifically international admissions…thanks!

I was wondering if anyone knew anything about Trinity College Dublin (Not the American one)?


<p>Um, wasn't the "not American" part implied by saying "Dublin?" Why would you want to go to Ireland for school, anyway? There are plenty of good American schools.</p>

<p>Umm...if you're going to pick apart my post rather than contribute to it, just don't. What a stupid thing to say.</p>

<p>I have visited Trinity and it is Ireland's most prestigious university. It's their version of Oxbridge or Harvard. One can get a fine education there. College is free at Trinity. It's all funded by the taxpayers. I don't know, however, if this also applies to foreign students.</p>

<p>I work with a Trinity grad, and she said that in her day (back in the 80s) there were very few foreigners enrolled, and the few that were tended to be semester abroad types rather than full 4-year students. She said that the Irish educational and grading systems didn't mesh very well with that of the US. She did say that it was common, however, for freshmen to be older. At least 1/3 of the students in her field (psychology) first enrolled in their mid-20s to 40s rather than right out of high school.</p>

<p>I hope this helps, but for clearer information I'd say check their website.</p>