Triple rooms

<p>Does anyone have information on the double rooms converted to TRIPLES? Would they be uncomfortably small? in Moncreif the triples only have 2 closets and 2 desks, so they will have to be shared; it sounds less than ideal to me.</p>

<p>Yup, they have to be shared. They said on facebook that in foster at least they will be bunking two beds and making the other a loft. It’s not ideal, but at least its TCU!</p>

<p>They should not allow this to happen. TCU should not increase the size of the freshman class until they have enough space for all the students. I have nothing against a triple room, but each student should be entitled to their own bed, closet and desk. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk TCU!!!</p>

<p>Every student gets their own bed and desk. Plus, the closets are huge by college sizing, so it’s really not a big deal.</p>