Triples in rooms

<p>My daughter applied RD to Geneseo and is awaiting word.</p>

<p>Does anyone know the extent of housing putting 3 students in a room designed for 2? During our tour more than a year ago, we were told that triples are very rare and become doubles during the first semester as people drop out. I've read some things lately that make me wonder if they are more the norm than I was told.</p>

<p>Regarding the placement of triples, obviously freshmen are the lowest on the todem pole, which I understand, but:
- do certain halls have more triples? She was going to request Jones
- is it based on when your deposit is submitted? If it is late, you may get a triple?</p>

<p>Any information on this subject is appreciated.</p>


<p>My son, who is now a sophomore was tripled his first semester of freshman year. The deposit is only one of the factors in being tripled. We sent the deposit back very early. Unfortunately my son procrastinated with the roommate preference form, and this was the reason he was tripled.</p>

<p>It was uncomfortable and he was one of the last to be detripled, but I can tell you that Geneseo is such a wonderful school that it was never that big of a deal. </p>

<p>There were not a large number of freshman tripled. I think there were 12 at Jones in '04. </p>

<p>The office of Student Life was fantastic at keeping on top of this problem. I did call several times and they were very helpful and kept me updated on approximately how long his situation would continue. The nice part of the whole thing was he ended up getting placed in a room that he would never have been able to get, had he applied as a freshman ( due to the popularity of that dorm). An added benefit was, that by the time a room was available, he had a much better idea of the advantages of the different dorms. </p>

<p>Jones is a great dorm for incoming freshman. Everyone is new and it's a good place to make new friends. Although my son was only there for about a month, he made a lot of friendships there that he still maintains.</p>

<p>So while being tripled is a not so fun experience, in the end it's not always a negative experience either.</p>