Trouble Deciding

<p>I only have one reach, but its a big one, so I need to develop favorites within my matches. My matches are Denison, Gettysburg, Wheaton (legacy), and Elon, but I'm having trouble differentiating one from another. I've visited them all but don't have a standout favorite. Can anyone offer any insight into where they think these rank in terms of quality, reputation, etc... thanks.</p>

<p>Elon is known for their amazing study abroad programs. If that's something you're interested in, Elon could be a great choice. Plus, the campus is gorgeous. It also boasts a growing nation-wide reputation for it's curriculum. </p>

<p>I've heard good things about Denison. It's supposed to be a really happy, outgoing campus - perhaps a bit more isolated than the others, though. Solid academics. Good faculty. </p>

<p>Gettysburg would be a good choice for anyone interested in American History. Small LAC, with excellent access to one of the country's most important historical landmarks. I think that's the biggest hook, so to speak. </p>

<p>Wheaton is supposed to be great, but I've read on multiple review sites that it's a bit depressing at first, because it's usually full of kids who are only attending because they didn't get into their first choice.</p>

<p>A superficial personal ranking: Denison, Gettysburg, Elon, Wheaton. I'd put the first two well above #3 an #4, so if you get into either Den. or Get. seriously consider them above Elon or Wheaton.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help. Any other opinions?</p>

<p>I recognize that you didn't mention this school, but Dickinson would fit in well with this list, and I would take Dickinson beofre any other school on your list.</p>

<p>Ditto on Dickinson College suggestion.</p>

<p>Thanks, but I actually visited Dickinson, and I really didn't like it. I can't explain why but I'm not even going to apply there.</p>

<p>Why do you need to decide which is your favorite now? Apply to all of them, see which ones you get into, and then decide. You'll probably have different thoughts about them in April, anyway, and then you can visit the ones you got into again and then decide.</p>