<p>Hello all! </p>
<p>This is my first post and I am looking for a little advice. I don't think I can get into the schools that I want to get into and I am slightly restricted financially, so I am looking at other (smart) options. Here is some background/details:</p>
<p>I have a very bumpy high school record so far. I transferred three times to different schools because a lot of various family reasons. I was not in a good situation at my parents and I had a friend pass away and both never really allowed for me to focus. I am currently living at my grandparents during my Junior year and doing well at a top private school. </p>
<p>The problem, really, is two things: the money is tight and my accumulative GPA isn't to good. I probably have a 2.5 accumulative, though I have a 4.2 this semester and a 3.0 last semester while taking an AP and Honors class. I took the ACT and SAT recently, and I believe I excelled at the Writing and Reading section; however, I know I did terrible on the Math and only O.K. on Science part. The Math mainly because I have missed so many classes and don't have the background. </p>
<p>With all that being said, I have always liked a rather competitive college, one that I have very, very little chances of getting into with my GPA and record. I know I can get into other colleges below it's level, but I don't know if it's worth paying the same amount of money for. I believe have a lot of potential and can succeed anywhere as long as I commit myself like I have this year. </p>
<p>So, referring to my question, what should I do? I am currently thinking Community College is the best option, firstly because it is only a fraction of the price, and secondly because I have heard it will allow me to transfer into a good school. Where ever I go, plan to do the absolute best I can, as in a goal to get a 4.0. I know I can't get into a top school right now, but I have heard that after community college can allow you to get into a good colleges, even Ivy League Schools; is that realistic? I am just trying to understand my options, chances and best route as of now.</p>
<p>Thanks to everyone who answers honestly, I appreciate your input!</p>
<p>Look into community colleges in the area that has “the” college you’re interested in, but keep your options open for other colleges. In all likelihood, one or two community colleges in that area will have agreements with the school you’re interested in, as well as with a few other colleges. That may be your first option. If one of these community colleges has a honors program investigate the conditions to get in.
It’ll be much easier for you to go to a 4-year college from its area community college or at least from State Z community college to State Z College.
Be aware that very, very few transfer spots are open in Top 10 Universities/LACs because students who are admitted rarely transfer or drop out. In addition, if financial aid is a concern, be aware that there’s much less financial aid available for transfers than for freshmen, both in terms of institutional grants and merit aid.
If your goal is your state flagship, its financial aid program is fine, and you can afford your EFC, then financial aid concerns for a transfer would be less important. Same thing if you expect to be full pay.
If you need scholarships, your goal should be to find schools with above 30% admission rates where you’re in the top 10% for GPA/SAT . (You may use your junior-senior year GPA to evaluate that.)
An alternative could be for you to stand out with an “adult” EC, ie., show your maturity by doing something kids don’t necessarily do, that shows you can take on tasks mostly for adults and do them responsibly, with commitment and creativity. Show passion and unusual achievement, that would really help you. This only works if it flows naturally from your personality, your interests, your experience. Otherwise it’ll look like a gimmick and adcoms are trained to spot those. But if you have a strong interest in something, see how you can develop it in a non-traditional way. You’d find good examples of this in <em>How to make colleges want you</em> by Mike Moyer.
You can always apply to a variety of schools, including community colleges, and make your choice once you have admission and financial aid award letters in hand.</p>
<p>You need to know how much money is available, and where it will come from.</p>
<p>You also need to know if your grandparents have been appointed your legal guardians by the court. If you are in a court-ordered legal guardianship at any time after turning 13, you are independent for financial aid purposes. For some students, that can make a big difference.</p>