<p>i heard that for people with good grades and healthy EC’s but not much that “stands out” assuming good essays and recs (I think my profile) have better chances with early decision. to what extent is this true for upenn, or ivies in general?</p>
<p>i think with any college, your chances are better if you apply early decision.</p>
<p>how about a maybe</p>
<p>True for Penn.</p>
<p>Statistically (just statistically, without taking into consideration grades, ECs, score etc, just straight up numbers), for Penn, you have a better shot ED. This may not hold true for other schools.</p>
<p>However, one of my friends applied to MIT, and I remember calculating chances with him for that school. With the chances of EA and waitlist combined, I remember them being better than just straightout RD. But that's MIT. May hold for other schools.</p>
<p>yeah I remember applying EA for MIT and calculating statistics (for interview, campus visit, early... they give you so many damn numbers to consider)</p>