Truman Visit

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I just returned from a scholarship interview at Truman State and I had the opportunity to tour the campus. Here are my thoughts:</p>

<p>Truman definitely has a small town feel to it. Our tour guide waved at nearly 10 people she knew, and there was a really friendly vibe in the Hub (a student meeting place inside the student Union) and inside all of the eateries on campus. The campus is picturesque (when one is not trudging through Missouri snow) and is somewhat compact. They academic facilities are really nice, especially if you are a science student (the labs we looked at were outfitted with everything one would ever desire.)</p>

<p>I'm a future nursing student so I had the opportunity to tour the Violette Hall, where the nursing department is currently located. The SIM lab for nursing students is well outfitted, and the classrooms were somewhat old but still nice. They department is small, so I got a really friendly vibe from everyone I met there. </p>

<p>Overall I think Truman has a cool campus despite its location in the middle of nowhere. The Student Activities Board had a list of entertainers coming to Truman, and it was one of the most impressive activities lists I've seen (Daniel Tosh is coming this month, and Jim Gaffigan came a little while ago. And there are tons of bands that have come to Truman as well.) Kirksville is small but cute. There is a movie theater (and they were showing current stuff) and the Chinese place that I ate at was really good and very affordable. Other offerings include pizza places and a variety of fast food places (including Taco Bell, fyi.)</p>

<p>I definitely liked the campus and I hope I get the scholarship! If so, you'll probably see me at Truman in 2010!</p>

<p>^ Oops. Nursing is in Barnett Hall, NOT Violette Hall.</p>

<p>smart.cookie…i had a scholarship interview last week too! How do you think yours went? Did you hear anything about how many they are giving out or about when we will find out?</p>

<p>I think mine went well, but you never can truly tell if they want to give the scholarship to you or if they are just being polite :confused: I guess we’ll just have to wait and see! I called and asked about when they would notify us and the person I spoke to said look for a letter late next week or the week thereafter. I hope it works out for both of us!</p>

<p>So I just found out that I didn’t receive the Pershing scholarship. However, I did receive an 11,000 dollar Presidential Leadership scholarship so with that and my automatic scholarships my full tuition and room and board will be completely paid for! I was a little disappointed that I wasn’t a Pershing scholar but i’m glad that I was still considered for other scholarships.</p>

<p>Has anyone else found out if they are a Pershing scholar?</p>

<p>My boyfriend said he didn’t make it either. But, he was awarded an additional scholarship also!</p>

<p>^ Sorry, horsegal. Congrats on getting other scholarships, though. Are you out-of-state or a Missourian? I was just wondering if Truman has a preference for in-state students for scholarships.</p>

<p>I’m out of state because I live in Illinois (but literally only five miles from MO and i go to high school in MO!). However, I don’t think there’s any preference for in-state students receiving scholarships. The only thing would maybe be that only MO residents are eligible to receive the Missouri Leadership Award which is a full-ride scholarship. Are you out of state too then?</p>

<p>How did the dorms look like? Were there any food places without fast-food ingredients? Big shopping mall nearby? And how far away (by train) is the nearest big town like St.Louis or Kansas city etc?</p>

<p>Hi Hithle - Truman has recently redone many of the dorms, and they are really nice. There are many non-fast food options available. No big shopping mall in Kirksville, lol. Closest one (I think) is in Columbia Missouri about 1.5 hours away by car. There is a train station about 5-10 minutes south of Kirksville in La Plata that has a route to KC (for some reason not to St. Louis), but it looks like only 1 train per day at 8 PM, getting into KC at 10 PM. So you would have to stay the night if you were going in to shop or whatever. Actually 2 nights because it looks like the return train is at about 7:45 AM.</p>

<p>But remember, hundreds of students are from these areas so there are always people driving in and out. Either your friends will be going or there is probably a mechanism for posting the need for a ride. I imagine there are any number that go in for day trips.</p>