<p>I'm currently a junior in high school trying to decide what college major is best for me. My best subject is definitely English- this semester I will probably finish with an A in AP English 11. My worst subjects are math and physics. I'm not awful at them, but I've never really been that amazing at math, and physics this year was kind of rough. </p>
<p>I think I would like to go into a career such as marketing, advertising, public relations, etc. I've read that a manager in one of these fields can easily earn well into six digit figures. If I'm able to go to a good school, like UGA or UNC, what would be the best major to help me to break into these industries? Obviously, you would think a marketing or public relations major would be best, but I've heard that they're mostly filled with slackers and frat boys.</p>
<p>Majoring in something like Marketing/Advertising/Public Relations sounds good. I wouldn’t worry about the type of people you’ll have as classmates in a major. The idea is to prepare yourself for the career you want.</p>
<p>All you have to do right now is work on getting a high GPA in high school and try to do something outside of classes like volunteering, clubs, or sports or something that interests you. I didn’t even know what I wanted to do until my Senior year of college.</p>
<p>Career fields such as Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations are all Communications majors. They are constantly a changing field. Before most of the big industries were solely based in New York on Madison Avenue (think of the show Mad Men). Now you have internet advertising which changed the playing field. </p>
<p>Being that the case you may want to look into learning some type of programming classes because a great visual is what catches peoples’ attention.</p>