<p>I managed to attend the last 35 minutes of the chat for International Students today held by Tufts. </p>
<p>It was the second one I joined; last month or the month before I attended one that was held for all prospective students. That one was very crowded (about 4 chat rooms compared to the one chat room this time). I really found this intel chat really cool and funny and intriguing. Some random questions about skiing and getting used to Fahrenheit or the use of dorms (for sleeping mostly :p). A lot more jokes, too, and taking cracks at each other. :D </p>
<p>So I just wanted to tell current Tufts kids, that admin officiers Lana and Julie (oh, I hope I got their names right!) are very cool people. </p>
<p>Right now, I'm ambivalent about whether or not to apply to Tufts. Competitive, expensive and I'm not that financially "solvent".</p>
<p>But even if I don't, your admin ppl are cool!</p>