Tufts & Fletcher

<p>Does Fletcher have a generally good, close relationship with the rest of the Tufts community (i.e. undergrad, med, vet, etc.)?</p>

<p>fletcher is the only grad school on medford campus. the direct way in which fletcher and tufts undergrad kids interact is through recitations (fletcher students teach IR recitations.) other than that, i don't think you can expect to integrate with them in any meaningful way. they have their own library and exclusive dorm, hence not totally into the undergrad scene.</p>

<p>There was a controversy on campus about three years ago where Fletcher students were complaining that the undergrad students were hoarding the cafe (which was the only one on campus that sold freshens smoothies). The solution? They removed the smoothies. Undergrads stopped coming.</p>

<p>Undergrads can study in and rent books from the Fletcher library. Also, I believe undergrads are allowed to attend Fletcher lectures and special events, though it's often difficult to do so.</p>

<p>It's too bad they removed the smoothies from the cafe. You have no idea how distraught I was to find out that once I actually had the power to purchase/use points the smoothie well had run dry (freshmen only have the unlimited mealplan). All that was left on campus was the disgusting second-rate replacements at hotung.</p>

<p>You're kidding! That is so funny, because sometime this year my friend Kelly was like, "Guys, you know what we need on campus? SMOOTHIES." And then started talking about how we should go and ask them if we could open up a smoothie place on campus, but was shot down by someone who said, "No, they'll just make The Rez serve smoothies." I had no idea that there actually once WAS a smoothie place on campus that was so controversial that it had to be CLOSED....hahaha, wait until I tell Kelly, she'll be devastated</p>

<p>Not to bring this thread up again, but I thought I read a long while back on the Tufts website that undergraduates could take some courses at Fletcher, and work on research with some Fletcher professors as well. Any info regarding this?</p>

<p>Summer Scholars will allow students to work with Fletcher profs and get funding for it.</p>

<p>Yeah also as a junior or senior you can take courses at Fletcher, but you need special permission. Also, as a junior you can apply to a joint-degree program w/Tufts undergrad ASE and the Fletcher school.</p>

<p>Also, there's a 6-year programme with engineering and Fletcher.</p>

<p>How does one become a summer scholar?</p>

<p>you apply for it in march</p>

<p>Can you do this as early as your Freshman year? Where are the applications available, and what would I need to do to qualify? Sorry for all of the questions...</p>

<p><a href="http://summerscholars.programs.tufts.edu/whatis.asp%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://summerscholars.programs.tufts.edu/whatis.asp&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>