Tufts needs a better football team.

<p>Where I come from, and I would imagine in many other parts of the US and the world, most people know nothing of Tufts. I was the only one out of all of my friends who had ever heard of it, let alone applied, let alone gotten in. Yet it's a prestigious, highly-ranked university. The lack of knowledge of our school means that students who would enjoy and benefit from a Tufts education never even apply. It means we don't get donations or research grants. It means our school's reputation, if it has a reputation at all, is as the place for kids who can't get into Harvard - or worse, as Harvard Junior. The lack of knowledge and regard for our school does not lie in Academics: most of our departments are top-notch. Nor does it lie with our physical plant: our campus is beautiful and scenic, and who doesn't love being 30 minutes from Boston on the T?</p>

<p>I offer a solution to our problems: we need a better football team.</p>

<p>I apologize to any football players who may read this. It's not your fault. It's an institutional problem. Tufts's football team competes in NESCAC. Who on earth follows NESCAC? Of course people have never heard of us! That's how, sad to say, many high school students hear about colleges: through sports. Even if we dominate NESCAC, which we usually don't, nobody would care.</p>

<p>Here's what I propose: this summer, several of us travel the south and midwest to recruit players to come to Tufts. After we win the NESCAC championship for a few years, we'll start moving up in the rankings. Within 10 years, we'll be a big ten school or possibly even one of the Ivies(I know the latter is far-fetched, but we can force them hehe). We may even make CC's list of Top Colleges! Who's with me?</p>

<p>do it! but good luck finding kids are are really good at football and smart enough to get into tufts and then willing to pay for it and get no perks from playing here when they could go to, say, notre dame, or michigan, or berkeley, or tons of other good schools for free and be all over CBS and ABC every saturday in the fall.</p>

<p>I may be in the minority here, but as a prospective student one of the reasons that Tufts appeals to me is that there is not as much emphasis placed on sports. Coming from a high school in the heart of Texas, where football is king and our athletic facilities are so extensive that we rent them out to professional teams during the offseason, I look forward to a college experience where more attention is paid to academics than athletics.</p>

<p>i know what you mean ampersand, but i believe there is a healthy balance. tufts places absolutely no emphasis on athletics, the facilities are ghastly, and quite embarassing</p>

<p>what?! i like the gym!!</p>

<p>Our gym pales in comparison to those of other schools.</p>