Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants

All of you are a wonderful support system. I only have one child so no doubt I will never be able to “crack the TE code”. On a postive note, my D also received the rejection letter today that I recieved from the TE liason and when she came home tonight she gave me a big hug and told me that it’s okay and that we will figure this out together. :heart:


This forum has been wonderful to trade notes on our experiences and get some support when feeling discouraged. Let’s keep posting and help one another! It may help to crack that mysterious TE code!


D21 received TE at Franklin & Marshall, but was denied at Gettysburg. Should be hearing from American today.


@RandomGuy62 Great news on Franklin & Marshall! Your daughter must be very talented! Good luck with American! And, hey, if she passes on Skidmore be sure to tell 'em at Admissions to give her TE spot to Peachpie9’s daughter! Ha Ha! Just kidding! :joy: :rofl: :grinning:


Never say never! Son got tuition exchange from top choice school! Yay! Applied for TE at five schools, offered for two. I had all but given up. Now he has to make the final choice! Grateful for TE, AND agree it is a really mysterious process. I have learned so much through CC and this group. I didn’t know how much I didn’t know about the merit aid game. Too busy grading papers and advising students to keep up with 1) How dang expensive it has become to attend college, 2) that there are formulas and cut points and how different everyone’s situation can be, 3) the biggest lesson: top tier is not always the most important choice – there is a real balance that can be achieved between our students’ interests/passions, location, culture, size, ideology/or lack thereof, resources, and costs.


hi i got TE at catholic, pace, and monmouth. but was denied it at chapman, tulane, and now american u which was my top :frowning: sad day lol but i’m still waiting to hear from some other schools. does anyone know when gwu or fordham releases their TE?


Congrats on getting TE at his first choice! You both must be thrilled!

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Daughter got TE at Ohio Wesleyan. However, we are in the Northeast and decided to stay closer to home. Still it was nice to receive and anyone looking to apply next year it seems like at wonderful small LAC that gives generous merit and I think a lot of TE spots.


Trinity College (CT) TE came out today

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I think we’ve gotten all the news we are going to get so here’s my recap. S21 received TE at Syracuse (w/ no additional merit), Redlands and Case Western. He was accepted to Pitt and Delaware (honors) but denied TE at both. He was also accepted at Elon but I am assuming he did not get TE there. He was waitlisted at Richmond and deferred by Tulane. I think it will come down to Case, our home institution (if accepted) or an in-state school; ugg, not narrowed down at all. If nothing else, I am excited to visit Cleveland. It has been great going through this with all of you and I am pleased to see that it seems like there are plenty of scholarships to go around. I hope these posts are helpful to future TE folks. Keep them coming. I’ll be back here again in 2023.


That’s great @sleeplessinla! Good luck to your son! Let us know what you choose!

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HaHa. I’m pretty sure my opinions will not be a factor in his decision but I’m thrilled he has options and I will certainly report back with whatever he chooses.


D21 summary, we’re also about done. Almost final information:
Florida Southern College - waitlisted for TE scholarship
Loyola University New Orleans - rejected for TE scholarship
Rollins College - awarded TE scholarship
Tulane University - accepted, rejected for TE scholarship
University of Richmond - admission decision deferred

Plus home institution and State flagship. Now time to consider everything and make decision. In the end, she has good choices.

TE lesson learned, top ranked schools and ones with less than 10 percent rate are really competitive - and almost like winning the lottery to be granted TE scholarship (even for very strong students).


Agreed its competitive. I know my sons only chances are more local, less popular options as his GPA is hopeful to end up more around 3.5.

That is great news that you have recived TE at those 3 schools so far. Nice choices! We had a similar denial from Tulane. Interesting about Chapman and AU as I had also put in a request for TE at those 2 schools also. I had to withdrawl the TE app from my schools as my daughter was an ED at Tulane. Made me sad as they are all good schools. I would have prefereed she wait it out but she was so set on Tulane. Any idea how many TEs were awarded at Tulane? I wish that type of information was available. Saying less than 10% can be a bit of a mystery. I wonder how many students even applied for TE.

Your summary was super helpful. I personally like Cleveland and Case Western is a great choice to have in your TE bucket. My coworker’s son is at Syracuse with TE and he loves it there. I love it when TE works out for everyone as we have put a lot of love into our higher ed jobs. When my D was denied TE at Tulane she reminded me that …“Mom you love your job so all is not wasted” . She is right about that!


We have applied to Depaul, CWRU, Lawrence and Boston U for TE. Son has been accepted at Depaul and Lawerence. Lawerence offered TE with financial aid package. Depaul will provided all that information by April 1. The other two universities don’t offer acceptance until next weekend and then likely won’t send financial aid/merit information for a week or so. This is a bit frustrating for those on TE waitlists because if for example my son does not choose Lawerence he has been given this and it cannot be released until he makes his college choice. It is feeling like a game of dominos.

My daughter applied EA to CWRU and was admitted Dec. 22 and offered TE on Dec. 29 (as a point of reference for your timeline).

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My son didn’t apply EA to any universIty

Another update… My daughter was accepted for admission but waitlisted for TE at Connecticut College. This was not a surprise as they only accept 1-4 kids for TE per year (which strikes me as very stingy!) However, a nice surprise is that they gave her $30K of merit, one of the highest merit scholarships they offer. I didn’t even realize they offered any merit, I thought it was one of those schools need based aid or nothing. So I will say the TE list brought us to this college as a reach school and now it’s looking like a real possibility! It’s the one school we haven’t visited so we are going on Wed to visit. Their visits are only for accepted students, only 1 parent can go, and all have to show a negative Covid test for the tour.

It seems like every day brings a new twist and turn in this college application journey!