Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants

My administrative assistant has a senior at TCU now on Tuition Exchange.

S21 has multiple TE offers. He wants to keep top two and make decision in April. Is it possible to release other offers before he is ready to make final decision? (From what I understand, Export School says other offers will only be released when he makes a final decision.)


I think you can email the school and let them know that he won’t be accepting the TE scholarship. One school specifically asked that we let them know if my son didn’t want it so it could be offered to someone else.

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We finally got a Tuition Exchange offer at Roger Williams. This is not daughter’s top choice but it makes this school very affordable and definitely worth another look!

They did note that it’s not good on study abroad which is disappointing. Does anyone know how this works then? I wonder if we will have to pay full tuition for that semester or maybe the merit scholarship she received before TE could be used? Will need to inquire but if anyone has any insight from other schools that exclude study abroad would love to hear.

My guess is you would have to pay for that semester.

Check with the particular school - it varies quite a bit from school to school on how they handle it. Sometimes they have certain study abroad locations that do qualify (the ones they host) and many that do not qualify.

My son found out he got TE today from Dickinson (the set rate of $39k per year). They also gave him another $6500/year in merit.


I think there are a couple of you who applied to Skidmore. Decisions just came out, no email yet, but on the portal. Daughter got in but waitlisted for TE. Very sad here as that was her #1 choice. Very hard to see your kid get in but we can’t give her the school she wants financially. Sigh. There are other choices though and I know she will be fine. But tonight we are kind of sad.


Don’t despair yet. I know of many who’ve gotten off the TE waitlist. Not ideal, I realize, but possible.

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Thanks @MIP750. We will definitely put her name on the waitlist.

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Congrats on her getting in and hope she gets off the TE waitlist! My son was waitlisted for acceptance. We didn’t even get a chance to visit so he won’t both going on the waitlist.

My fingers will be crossed for your daughter!!!

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Sorry to hear about your daughter. My D also heard from Skidmore tonight. Accepted and offered TE. She was also accepted at Muhlenberg, but denied TE. Definitely put your name on a waitlist. Most people cast a wide net to maximize their options, but can only accept one offer in the end. Especially this year with applications up everywhere, I think yields will be lower than past years and wait lists might see more action.

My son was accepted to his top choice and has still not heard back re: TE. The merit aid is not enough for us to afford it, however. He got accepted at 9/10 schools and waitlisted at the 10th! I’m so proud of his amazing effort and results. Awarded TE for one school–not his top choice but a really solid LAC. When all is said and done, he is likely to attend a non-TE public university’s amazing honors program, for slightly more than our in-state University. Definitely more than our home institution/less than other TE private LACs; but he needs to spread his wings and is giving it a go. Good luck to all. What a trip it’s been down this long runway in anticipation of their soaring flight! Godspeed.

@SuntasticMom congratulations on the acceptance! Definitely contact the TE liaison at Skidmore and let them know it is her first choice and she would absolutely attend if she got TE. That waitlist will shuffle around a bit, sometimes even during the summer melt. Also, it is worth asking if they ever pull students off a TE waitlist after the first year. I know some schools will prioritize offering it to existing students who did not get it for their first year. If that’s the case, it might make paying more out of pocket for year one doable, knowing she is likely to get it for her remaining years there.

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Hi… I like your advice. My D was denied TE at Tulane. Do you think she has any recourse like those that were waitlisted? Does Tulane even waitlist? I don’t understand why everyone would not be waitlisted. What is it about my D that contributed to her being denied. The lack of transparency makes one crazy. Would it not make sense that they would just keep a waitlist for all? They accepted our students so why are we denied out right for TE? My sadness and frustration is all rolled into one emotion.

Unfortunately, I think Tulane only gives out one or two TE scholarships per year. They may have a waitlist but it would likely be very short. The TE liaison should be able to provide some context but my sense is that TE is very competitive at the schools that give it to under 10%. My DS was denied at Delaware even though he was accepted into the honors program there; they do have a waitlist but he didn’t make the cut. Best of luck to your D and all our kiddos. It is a stressful time.

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Thank you for your support. It does make me feel better to recognize that I am not alone and often even Honors students do not make the cut. I almost wish there was a way for colleges to divy up the pot of money between all the TE applicants each year as we all have worked many years in Higher Ed and it would be a way of acknowledging our service to the Higher Ed mission. How can they be so confident that on March 15th they know how there acceptances will even pan out for 2021-2022. Would really like to be a fly on the wall when the TE applicants are being discussed.

Hi All. Thanks everyone for the helpful feedback and the support. I agree, the admission process is such a difficult process as it is and TE only complicates it further. When it works out it’s a wonderful benefit but for so many students all the rejections and waitlists makes it seem like some elusive perk that only a small percentage can benefit from. When schools are offering just a few slots per year my feeling is that they should not be able to participate. I expressed this to the TE contact listed on their website and his response was it’s better than nothing. Actually this process is expensive for families to research, visit, and apply to schools that ultimately don’t pan out for the vast majority. OK, I will stop venting now!

As an update, my daughter placed herself on the TE waitlist for her #1 choice, Skidmore. We received info back that they don’t know how many will come off the waitlist and in past years that has been 3-4 kids or none, and they don’t decide until the end of April or beginning of May. So we will move on and if Skidmore happens wonderful but I won’t hold my breathe.

Good luck all.


I have not posted to this forum yet but have been reading it for the past few months. It has often helped me calm my nerves during what has been a very intense process. I am not very good at waiting, and you have to do a lot of it with TE! My son has applied for TE at numerous schools this year. He has a few offers from schools he really likes and wants to attend, so in this sense we have been very fortunate. Like many here, we cast a wide net, knowing that this would be a competitive process.

So far my impression of the TE process has been that there is not much rhyme or reason to how things play out, and when I have been down or anxious I have just tried to remember that there are a lot of variables that go into how decisions get made. A few “reach” schools, where we thought our son would be a long shot for TE, have offered it to him; at others, where his grades and test scores put him in the top percentile of applicants, and where he has been asked to apply to honors programs and the like, he has been denied TE or waitlisted. For example, he was accepted at Delaware with some merit money, too, and invited to apply to the honors program; he was denied TE there (a straight up “no,” no waitlist). If there is a code for getting TE, I certainly have not cracked it.

I can’t help but think, however, that spots on waitlists will free up. I really hope they do for those of you whose kiddos are in that boat. Also, it couldn’t hurt to check in with the TE coordinator about the possibility of being put on the waitlist–the worst that could happen would be being told “no.” Thanks for making this nerve-wracking process more bearable–this forum has been such as source of comfort!


I wonder the TE code too. My son got TE at Delaware, but just found out he didn’t get it at Gettysburg which according to TE website awards 11 to 40 percent of applicants so who knows how they award it.