Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants



Congrats on the acceptance. It is interesting how sometimes TE does make you more aware of colleges that were not on your radar. Connecticut College has a great reputation and is quite competitive like skidmore. So being offered merit there must feel great!

Thanks @Breagh! Yes, daughter is excited! :grinning:


Looking for info about Marquette TE waitlist - how and when it starts moving?
Thanks in advance

Personally I find merit to be more attractive than TE as it isn’t tied to our employment for 4 years. Maintaining one’s employment can be a challenge/risky given the precarious financial situation higher ed is in due to Covid.


My daughter has one in her top 3 where she was not awarded TE but a great merit scholarship too. Like you, she never would have known about this college if we were not researching TE schools.


We did speak to one of the TE colleges son applied to and asked what happens if we lose a job? They shared that is why they offer merit as well. If job is lost merit will become active


Along the same lines… One school that daughter was accepted to but waitlisted for TE says you lose TE if you don’t have a 3.0 GPA. Daughter is a really good student but that kind of terrifies me and I think puts a lot of pressure on the student. But I wonder if it reverts back to the merit that you received? I didn’t want to ask the school at this point b/c it’s not like they offered her TE.

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at the schools where my daughter was offered TE and merit, the requirements for maintaining TE were MUCH less rigorous (2.0?) than those of the merit awards (3.2 in some cases).

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That’s not unusual for any scholarship. My daughter had Bright Futures from Florida and it has a GPA requirement (hers was 3.0, but I think the higher award was 3.5), and her merit scholarship from her school required a 2.8 - but it was an engineering school so grades were hard. She was worried but never had a problem meeting those requirements.

She was also an NCAA athlete and there is a gpa requirement, but it is pretty low (maybe a 2.0)

My other child also had a 3.0 requirement for her scholarship. She did come close to losing it early on, but she got a ‘grace’ semester, carefully chose classes, got her gpa up and never had a problem again. Don’t take all the hardest classes as a freshman!

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Just heard from our last TE school, so a final wrap on D21:

4.2 weighted GPA, unknown uw (3.8ish probably?)
35 ACT
7 APs, every other class for honors when offered.
2 dual enrollment classes
Lots of ECs: Theatre, Improv, Vocal performance, Girl Scouts, Violin, Mock Trial, Model Senate, etc.
LOR: probably excellent. Didn’t actually read them, but knowing who wrote them, I imagine they were 10/10.
Essay: unique and interesting. I think it was a plus to her application.


  • :white_check_mark: American: accepted and awarded TE.
  • :white_check_mark: Franklin & Marshall: accepted and awarded TE.
  • :x: Gettysburg: accepted, denied TE. Granted Abraham Lincoln Scholarship ($35K/yr).
  • :white_check_mark: Lafayette: accepted and awarded TE. Was chosen as a Marquis Fellow Scholarship finalist, but not selected for the full tuition award.
  • :x: Mt. Holyoke: accepted, but denied TE. Given Leadership Award ($20K/yr).
  • :x: Muhlenberg: accepted, but denied TE. Also accepted into honors program. Granted $28K merit award, plus $5K honors scholarship for a total of $32K/yr. Denial was not unexpected as Muhlenberg gives most awards to ED applicants.
  • :white_check_mark: Skidmore: accepted and awarded TE.
  • :white_check_mark: :heavy_plus_sign: St. Lawrence: accepted and awarded TE. Also chosen as a Tier 1 Momentum scholar, which stacks an additional $9K on top of TE for a total of $48K/yr (for '21-'22).
  • :white_check_mark: :heavy_plus_sign: Syracuse: accepted and awarded TE. Also given Leadership scholarship of $28K, which stacks with TE up to full tuition ($56K/yr). Also invited to apply to Syracuse honors college.

Awarded TE at 6 schools, denied TE at 3. Two schools stacked merit awards with TE (St. Lawrence and Syracuse). Unfortunately, D21’s top choice going in was Mt. Holyoke, who did not offer TE and offered the least FA of all schools, so D21 has a decision to make.


Congratulations to your D21! These are significant accomplishments and rewards for her amazing efforts. I previously taught at F&M, loved the place. Syracuse sounds like a wonderful large school option, but there are so many other great options, too! Really drives home the power of hard work in HS.

My S21 has much different g.p.a., but solid IB/AP courses, test scores, ECs, LORs, and essays; I am also proud of his successful acceptances and some good $ aid offered at 9/10 schools. 2 TE offers out of 5. Now it is down to a major university honors college w/o TE but equal in net cost to a small university with large TE award. Both great locations. Not sharing names until he chooses. But let’s just say we are headed west next week to check it out. Update us with your decision. We will do the same!


We are, but now we need to check it out. He’s down to two top schools: a state univ. honors college and the small university (top choice). I promised I wouldn’t share names until he decides. Headed to the sun in a few days to feel the warmth and the potentiality of each!

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Wow what great choices though. Will be interested to know where’s D21 ends up. You rocked the TE !

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That’s incredible! Some really great choices! You must be so proud! :grinning:

Keep us posted what she chooses!

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Did anyone get a TE notification from Boston University? I can’t find anything about TE on the portal.

Have you heard anything from LMU? My son was accepted EA in December but we have heard nothing about TE. It’s the only school we are waiting to hear from.

We were also waiting on LMU- they said it would be late March early April. It was sons top choice but he was offered full scholarship (non TE) elsewhere, which prompted him to decline LMU (since he could only attend if he got TE).

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Would love to hear as time goes by if any of your kids who were admitted but waitlisted for TE end up getting TE offers. We now have 3 schools that D was admitted but TE waitlisted. All are saying it’s been a crazy year, colleges dont know what to expect for how many will accept, etc. So we keep anxiously waiting and try to prioritize and plan but it’s really hard.

In the meantime D was accepted to our home school which translates into free tuition for us. It’s a really good school but unfortunately not the best fit for D. While she feels terrible turning down free tuition, she doesn’t want to go there. This is not news to us.