Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants

It’s tough. We are also hoping to come off a TE wait list. Unfortunately, I think many people never inform colleges that they aren’t enrolling or taking TE - they only find out once the May 1st deadline passes. Which means if any spots open up, they won’t be until mid-May after we already need to deposit somewhere else, potentially.

We’re going to let schools know (especially TE schools) once D21 has ruled them out so hopefully someone in our situation at those schools might benefit from that spot.


My son would turn down our home school as well. Great school but doesn’t have the major he wants. He could choose something else but if his heart isn’t in it, he won’t put effort in and it would be a waste of time.

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@RandomGuy62 Yup, I agree, it’s going to potentially be a long wait. Feeling a tad discouraged about it today. Also hard to be motivated to do the virtual accepted student events without knowing about TE. And, yes, so important to let the schools know when it’s definitely ruled out. We did this with a couple already. I hope it helps another kid.

Yes, true… For us it’s the location. Our home school is very urban and D wants lots of nature, picturesque, classic New England type school. She gets anxious in cities. When I was her age I wanted the exact opposite of what she wants!

Yes, my Export school liason really emphasized that to us during our TE introduction last summer. Waitlisted really is a painful situation to be in for so many people. Once my D was accepted ED, i sadly let my liason know so she could let the exchange know to drop all the wonderful TE schools that my D and I had sent a TE app to. Its hard to let go.

Ditto. My son doesn’t want our home institution for a couple of reasons, the biggest being his desire to strike out on his own somewhere else, and of course, where the industry he is interested in has more opportunities.

My son has been accepted to two schools and offered TE at both. We have explained that he will need to decide about these schools sooner rather than later because others are waiting on TE opportunities


My son got word in late February that he was on the Marquette TE waitlist. The TE coordinator in the admissions office was pretty open with us about the process. They don’t rank waitlist people, and they ask all students awarded TE to let them know if they will be accepting it by April 1, so that people on the waitlist have a chance to accept before May 1. We did get a call a couple of weeks ago that he got the TE award and let them know a few days later that he would be accepting. (Marquette had been his #1 choice through most of the search process, but when he didn’t get the TE offer initially, we started taking a closer look at his #2 and #3 choices.) I would not be surprised if others who were offered TE there decide on a different school, so it’s still possible that your student could get it. Best of luck to you!


My son got TE offers pretty early (November and December) at his #2 and #3 choice schools (Illinois Tech and DePaul). He got word in late February that he was on the waitlist for TE at his #1 choice school, Marquette. In mid-March, he got the TE offer from Marquette. He took a couple of days to think about it a bit more (since we had started taking closer looks at the other two schools), but then got back to them to accept and got in touch with the other two schools to decline. It does seem very complicated, with so many students applying to multiple schools. Sure hope the dust settles in a positive way for everyone.

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Congratulations to your son! That’s great on the TE! Crossing our fingers we get off the TE waitlist at D’s #1 or #2 choice…


Anyone know how selective TE is at USC? Also, does USC award TE purely on academic merit, or are other factors considered?

Hi, I don’t have personal experience with USC however my D did send in a TE app there this year but needed to retract it when she was accepted at her ED2 school. Up until then I was following whatever I could learn about USC as it was really high on my D’s list. My coworker’s son did go to USC on TE . What is interesting about his son was that he was a transfer Sophmore year to USC and he still recieved TE. My D’s school’s liason said they never have awarded TE to a transfer. That was interesting. If you search on USC in this TE thread, there were others that were posting that USC was pretty generous with their TE slots and that the hardest part was getting in but if you got in they were quite generous. So I recommend you search through previous threads as there was a flurry of activity early on about USC. Good luck. It is a great school and my coworker’s son loved his time there.

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There is a whole thread called USC Tuition Exchange. It is from 2019 but explains how it works, etc.

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I just have to shout out the financial aid offices who are working during the holiday weekend. My D just got the TE email from GW. She’s still deciding, but it’s nice to know she has options.


Has anyone heard about TE at Villanova yet?

Hi All. For those of you who may recall my previous posts my daughter’s first choice school has been Skidmore. She was accepted but waitlisted for TE. Today we found out she was granted TE! I have one very happy girl on my hands! We are going back one last time to look and then will plan to commit. (And of course then will withdraw from her other schools.) Good luck to everyone!



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Thanks, @RandomGuy62 and thank you for all your advice too! Hope all works out well for your daughter! I bet it will! :grinning:

No I emailed the liaison and there are 9 freshman spots this year. Award recipients will be called this week, and letters will be mailed this week to the rest of the applicants (my guess either denied or waitlisted).


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