Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants

chiming in to add that the TE amount increases (albeit, nominally) each year to keep pace with tuition increases, unlike most other FA offers.


Congratulations @Herecomestheson! That is wonderful news! So glad the TE worked out for your son! I agree too with all of your advice!

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He’s fine with a larger school I think. He didn’t even put together the list where to apply - he refused to look at the TE colleges so we made the list for him. The places where he got full tuition he thinks isn’t a good fit for some reason and sees himself at the flagship state school instead.

Academically my son won’t be accepted to our state flagship and the other public state school that has his major he’s saying he won’t look at because big brother is at a different school in the same city.

Fachex and less popular TE schools are his best chances at decreased tuition.

No word on USC yet? Their TE decision deadline is supposed to be April 15…

We are waiting for USC too! I emailed the TE contact and she wrote “hopefully by the 15th.”

Ours just got denied.

So sorry to hear that!

Your son sounds like my daughter. She wants the big state flagship. Mine put together a TE list and applied, but when Covid hit our spring break tour junior year got cancelled and applied to most without having seen them. So, she really did not figure out what she wanted until spring break this year. Hopeful she can get herself some outside scholarships in the next 4 years if she does not take TE. At least one of my two kids used TE :wink:

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Oh, I’m sorry to hear.

Anyone receive TE at Villanova? Mine got waitlisted

We did not apply at Villanova, but my co-worker’s daughter did last year. She too was waitlisted; when she called they did tell her where she was on the waitlist. For her it was #36 ish if I recall, so that helped her to decide to go elsewhere. You might check in with them, maybe yours is near the top?!

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I’ve heard Villanova prioritizes upper class students who have not yet received the award, so few freshmen receive it.

Interesting. Are you saying it’s worth your while to reapply for TE sophomore year ? That would be nice. My D was TE denied at Tulane and when I asked them if we could try again sophomore year they said we never have given TE to upper classes. Darn. Kiddos to Villanova if they do.

It never hurts to ask. A few schools said they would consider, but prioritize freshmen (and knowing the scarcity of awards, that makes the likelihood of receiving an award small, I’d guess). The vast majority only offer it to freshmen. Villanova was the lone exception - they prioritize upperclassmen and work their way down.

“Tuition Exchange is a competitive, merit-based award at Villanova University. Villanova gives preference to upper-class students in awarding TE Scholarships.”

They also give full room as part of TE for freshmen, sophomores and juniors, which is a nice bonus.

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My son was waitlisted at Villanova as well.

True. They only had 9 freshman spots this year.

Still no news from USC for me!

We got off a TE wait list. I have no idea what really did it but one thing we did do is make our interest to D’s #1 choice very clear that if offered TE then D would enroll, if not offered TE could not attend the school. D emailed admissions counselor and TE liaison. She let them know of her other offers and also TE status at other schools. I also emailed the TE liaison. There is a balance that can be tricky of being too pesty and annoying them vs expressing a genuine interest. Also they want to protect their yield so if they know you’ll accept it must help. I would love to be a fly on the wall to know why D got off the TE waitlist but I guess we’ll never really know! The waitlist thing is really hard. Good luck everyone!


Just notified of TE at USC!

Stats: 1600, 4.0, NMF, Econ/Math, white female