Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants

I had read that Syracuse does give all who qualify the TE award. But I also heard that Syracuse typically only gives the set exchange rate each year. So while 38-40k may not be a small chunk of change, the fact that Syracuse tuition is 55k plus an extra 16k for the room and board may still put it out of our price range by about 10-15k. My sons grades wont result likely in much merit money but he could try for scholarships.

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FYI, USC is very hard to get in to. My son not only did not get tuition exchange there (he got it at Pitt, BU, Richmond, Tulane, and Delaware) but he did not get in. He did get in to his top choice school (an Ivy League) and got a full ride scholarship at a LAC non-te school. He was 1 in his class of 460, high standardized test scores and had lots of leadership and rigor. I am guessing from an admission standpoint USC might be the toughest school on the TE list to get in to.

I have a younger son who is a good student but had a some what rough freshmen year grade wise. Like the previous poster, he rebounded with very good grades but it impacted his overall gpa so I very much appreciate the suggestions for TE for students that are not top students. We are definitely going to have him look at Syracuse.

Are TE notifications normally sent by email or mail? My daughter received TE at Catholic U and that was sent in the mail but am not sure if it varies from school to school. The TE website does not appear to update depending on the school.

How were you notified of TE at the schools that offered it?

Email by one and mail for another.

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My older daughter who graduated HS in 2017 was a 25 ACT and 3.4 GPA, 2 AP classes, lots of extracurriculars - - she received TE at Augustana College, Valparaiso, North Central College, Milliken, and Drake U. if that is helpful! All were full TE. The key is to apply to schools where your son is in the 75th percentile ish. My daughter went to Augustana, ended up not being a fit and then she transferred to North Central College her sophomore year on TE also and loved it.


The notification totally varies by school. Sometimes they send me (parent who works at the export college) the notification, sometimes my daughters receive it in their email or in the snail mail.


Hi, I agree. Looking through the TE list, I also feel USC is definately the most selective on the list. I had another coworker whose son went there about 5 years ago on TE. I don’t think he realized how lucky he was as he was the one that thought TE awards were healthy at USC and getting in was the hard part. Thank you for speaking up as my oberservation was from that one coworker.

Which year was that that when you got TE from the other schools as I don’t think they have announced yet for the class of 2025. Correct? I am really curious about Tulane as that is where my D wants to go. Thank you for any tips!

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My son was offered TE for the class of 2024. He loved Tulane when we went to visit. He was offered the TE scholarship on March 6th. If it is your daughter’s top choice maybe she could email the TE rep to indicate their strong interest in going to the schools if she receives TE.


Thank you for getting back so quickly. Sadly my daughter was ED so I am nervous I will have no leverage as they know she is coming. I also wrote the liason about a week ago with general questions about when they will be awarding TE and if they had all the information they needed from me as a parent. I have not heard back. Any suggestions for an ED student? I feel very limited in my leverage.

Loyola New Orleans will be on my sons list. We have better chances at FACHEX schools and they have his major (Tulane doesnt). Both say 10% or less which scares me. Tulane is similar to Syracuse I believe and only gives partial tuition which could factor in as well.

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I will send you a PM, if that is ok, to give you my thoughts.

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I recommend looking at the Colleges that Change Lives list. Most of the schools on there are on TE and they don’t require perfect grades. Also, there is a CC thread called something along the lines of great schools for B students. McDaniel is a TE school that comes to mind and perhaps Gettysburg.


Regarding how you’re notified—with Pitt DD received an email last week & today she received a snail mail congratulations letter. I don’t know when DD’s portal was updated because she doesn’t check it consistently. That may have been where the notification came first but I don’t know that for certain. The email then snail mail I’m sure about.

Yes. that is fine.

Colleges that Change Lives? I am not familiar with that list. Would love to see that list. I am totally all in for learning about schools other than the Ivys. The Ivys had a role maybe back in the day but I feel now there are so many other choices that are equaling compeling and a great fit for our children.

Just Google the phrase. I would post it here but don’t want to run afoul of any rule prohibiting outside links. They have a website that lists about 40 schools. Many overlap with TE. There are nice descriptions of each school they’ve selected. However, I imagine one could argue that all colleges changes lives.

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I have looked at the CTCL list. I have a long list so far for him to start to look at next year.

Gonzaga, Xavier, Loyola-New Orleans - he may have a better chance at FACHEX schools

Stetson (FL)
Belmont (TN)
Syracuse (NY)
Depauw (IN)
Butler (IN)
Temple (PA)
Jacksonville (FL)
Lawrence (WI)
U of Pacific (CA)
Chapman (CA)
Case Western Reserve (OH)
Gettysburg (PA)
Gustavus Adolphus (MN)
U of St. Thomas (MN)
U of Redlands (CA)
Otterbein (OH)
U of Puget Sound (WA)

From the Colleges that Change Lives list, I believe Wooster and Ohio Wesleyan are on the list and both do TE. We looked into both of them and applied at Ohio Wesleyan. They both seem excellent and also offer a lot of merit in case TE doesnt work out. We are on the east coast and daughter has never been to Ohio and just in the end wasn’t interested but they seem like excellent schools.

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I receive TE from my home university. My s applied to the following TE universities:

Case Western
Lawrence University
Boston University
DePaul University

He also applied to 8 other schools :wink:

His experience could be different regarding notification because he is pursuing dual degree programs hoping to earn a BM/BA. So some schools only revelry received his recorded auditions (music performance).

Lawrence University is one of the Colleges That Change Lives and it has a conservatory. Despite having other schools on his list like Carnegie Mellon and Northwestern, he LOVED Lawrence. He was able to see it before the pandemic.

He did apply early decision/regular action there and revived full TE upon admittance.
He didn’t know this until his paper acceptance packet came.

What a greatly appreciated about Lawrence is that I asked what happens if I lose my job as TE benefits are then gone. They shared that all the merit scholarships he earned there are notes on his file and will be activated if this were to happen.

Be sure to check that out with each TE school your student applies to.

We have only heard from Case Western that they received his TE paperwork and that TE would be awarded at time of admission.

We didn’t hear anything from DePaul or Boston U.