Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants

You might considered Rhodes too as it is a TE school and it made the CTCL list. My D was accepted there recently and was offered a very generous Merit Aid package. Unsure about how TE will work out for everyone there as my D needed to withdrawl her app as she ended up doing ED2 at Tulane.

@Breagh If he chooses music education as a major, it limits options quite a bit. I could see him doing something business or econ related as well so ensuring the college has possibilities for him will be key. If he does choose a different major, a college that allows non music performance majors to take music classes will be important to him. Add in him wanting school spirit and sports (preferably football) plus the option of studying abroad (with it possibly not extending his graduation) and its complicated.

He just signed up for junior year classes so lots could happen yet. With his GPA low after first semester (3.1), I am allowing him to focus on improving his GPA versus taking all the AP level classes.

That sounds like a really good plan. My D wanted Theatre options in addition to a her major as she is quite involved in acting so many of her safetys didn’t have alot of the options that Tulane had. Study Abroad was very impprtant to her too. I was quite excited about University of Richmond as it had an active Theatre group and like 80% study abroad at some point. That was impressive. Oh and it was a TE school. Might keep your eye on that one. Not sure how they handle Music Education Majors though. Such an interesting career path he is on.

He was talking about his future plans last night. Said hes going to go to school and get a “normal job” he likes even if he doesnt pay much (like being a music teacher). Said hes then going to save up money to buy a duplex and rent the part out to cover some of his mortgage to save money. He then plans to invest and do some daytrading for some extra cash. So he has a plan in his head. Now if only he can pull his head out of his tush and get his grades up where TE or FACHEX could be an actual possibility.

Does anyone know have any insight as to how competitive TE is at Baylor U?

the TE site says Baylor gives up to 8 each year, awarding less than 10% of applicants. Sounds very competitive. You could reach out to their TE liaison for more specific numbers.

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It sure is quiet on this thread. Nothing new?

Not a peep.

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Same! Heard nothing. We heard from at least one school that we would probably not learn about tuition exchange until all of their regular decision applications were released because they consider RD applicants for TE As part of the same evaluation pool. So that would suggest to me that many of the schools will not be releasing tuition exchange decisions until late March or even sometime in April.

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Does anyone have any insight or experience with the TE program at Pepperdine U?

Nope. Starting to loose hope and planning my going to part time if this doesn’t pan out LOL. In all seriousness, given the tuition expense, I almost wish the TE schools would split the TE money amoungst all the TE applicants applying.

We were very pleased to be notified on February 4th our daughter received a Tuition Exchange scholarship offer at Rollins College.


Oh my gosh. That is wonderful news. Rollins is a terrific school. It was on my daughter’s TE list too but she ended up withdrawing as she went ED to another TE school. You must be thrilled. Congrats!!!


I know that last year after May 1 I downloaded & checked the News section on the TE app & there were quite a few schools there who still had TE spots available.

Are you referring to the TE website?
Found it. Please disregard

Stillllllll waiting to hear on TE even for the schools my daughter was accepted to back in December for Early Action and 2 of them she was accepted into their honors colleges too. We are in such a holding pattern between the TE and also hearing back on regular decision schools…

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I know. It’s a nail biter. So many unknowns regarding how they handle it. I get very excited for every person that gets a “Yes” as I know that must feel terrific.

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Update on my twins: son will be attending Trinity University in San Antonio (applied ED and expects to receive TE but won’t be official until March-ish). Daughter still deciding - has TE offers from Birmingham-Southern College and Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX and tuition remission at Rhodes College. Waiting to hear from Eckerd College on TE and then she will make a decision. Super excited for these kiddos to have such fantastic choices!


DD recently got a yes for TE from Marquette and a no from Butler. Still waiting to hear from two more schools. Lots to think about during these long, cold nights.


Congrats about MU! What were her approx stats and major again?