Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants

DD has a 4.0 uw. She takes almost all AP, DC, and Advanced classes. There are a couple of required honors classes that everybody in school has to take. She got a 33 on the ACT. She does a ton of ECs, most of which she was doing well before high school. She does two sports—(synchronized/figure) skating and archery. She has some leadership positions in school clubs. She wrote a strong essay & had good LORs. She wants to major in theater & double major/minor TBD.

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Have any of you had your status in the TE app/website change after receiving a TE award? My son has been offered one TE award back in December with the admission offer but the TE website still says “awaiting import school decision.” So anxious to hear since most of the acceptances came in December!

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PrairieMom—one of the schools where DD got TE still says awaiting decision but that was awarded pretty recently. The other school says:

Import School Approved, Awaiting Enrollment

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My DD also applied for TE at Marquette. Curious to know how you received her TE offer? We haven’t heard, either way. Also, what is the Tuition Exchange portal/app?

Does “Import School Approved” mean you were awarded it and they are just waiting for you to committ possibly?

My add got an email & then they sent us two snail mail letters explaining the offer.

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Also, there’s an app (at least for Apple) called The Tuition Exchange. It’s purple with an open window as an icon. The main page has a ? mark you can click on for your student’s application status.

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Thank you!! I now have the app. It’s still showing that my DDs application is “awaiting import school decision”, although I’m not feeling very confident given that you’ve already heard. My DD has similar stats, 3.9 gpa, top 10 in her class of 375, lots of ECs, AP classes, sports, leadership positions. She did not send her SAT scores. I guess there’s still hope until we hear she is denied. Congrats to your DD!


Friends child got TE at Carthage. TE "wait list " at Carroll.

5 schools applied. 1 school academic deferral. 2 TE acceptance, 1 TE "wait list ", 1 awaiting TE decision.

Lower stats kid who wanted a smaller school within 5 hour drive from home preferred.

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It should mean that your student has been awarded the TE scholarship from that school. We received a snail mail letter announcing our award from the school itself, but no update on the TE page. I’m not sure who does the update: the TE folks, the import liaison or the export school. Nevertheless, the school is a wonderful LAC and alas, it is the one school that doesn’t have the majors my son is deeply interested in. Sigh…So. Much. Money. And he doesn’t have the top GPA. It’s good, definitely, but he reached his straight A’s in tough classes starting in 11th grade. Great test scores, excellent essays, and consistent ECs. It’s hard to know whether another one will come through or not!

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Great news! My niece went to Southwestern and really liked it!

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Just thought I’d come back and report we finally heard from our 1st TE school. It’s a tad different. They said that they gave daughter their most generous merit scholarship of $40K so since this is more than TE ($39K) they will not give her TE. Seems reasonable enough and we knew they did not stack. Hoping to hear from other schools soon!

Also, we learned of the decision by an e-mail that was sent to our daughter and my husband and I were cc’d on it.


We’ve also heard from our first TE school. D21 was offered TE at St. Lawrence University and they awarded her a momentum scholarship which grants an additional $9K that stacks on top. A very generous offer!


First – ack – I don’t know why that is my user name. Must have typed that in a fit of frustration with too many passwords to remember, and didn’t realize that’s what would appear. My son was in the same boat as your daughter – waiting on TE decision from Marquette. Yesterday, we got a letter in the mail saying he is on the wait list for the TE scholarship. It mentioned they had over 250 applications. I’m not sure how many scholarships they had, but last year it was 6. My son has the TE offer from two other schools (DePaul and Illinois Institute of Technology), but Marquette was his top choice, so we may wait until close to May 1 to decide, in order to see if the Marquette one works out after all. Best of luck to your daughter – hope a school she really likes comes through with the TE award!


We also heard yesterday from Marquette. Waitlisted as well. We’re waiting on 3 other TE decisions: Saint Louis University, Gonzaga and Villanova. Fingers crossed. Good luck!!


Curious for those waitlisted or waiting for Jesuits like SLU, Marquette or Gonzaga, are you TE only or FACHEX? And curious on general GPA. Trying to get a feel for my sophomore son.

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St. Louis University has made their TE decisions and is calling students/parents now.

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Calling? Hmm, that is interesting!

Yes, my daughter got a call yesterday from SLU awarding her TE.