Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Unfortunately, all TE/FACHEX awards are very scarce. The manager at my school said this fall that he believes that most FACHEX schools usually award 2-4 total grants a year to incoming students. If you reach out to Fairfield, they might be able to be more specific about the 2023 class. The letter we received said, “To accept this award, you must pay the admission deposit no later than May 1 . . . If not attending, please email the address provided declining the award so that the award may be offered to another worthy student.”

(I just assumed EA and not ED because you mentioned waiting on Marquette and University of Scranton also. Under rules of the ED contract, all other applications need to be withdrawn. Maybe I misunderstood your earlier post.)

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@Merimom23 Yes, the whole uncertainty of the whether my son would get a TE is the main reason that my son didn’t feel able to apply ED anywhere. While the opportunity to win a TE/FACHEX is good to have, it adds another layer of anxiety into this process!

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May D23 didn’t ED anywhere either, but did EA at most of her schools. She didn’t see any reason to ED, since she was applying to 18 TE schools, and had no idea where/how it would all turn out. I think she EA’d at 12 of them. She would have EA’d them all, but I think she just ran out of gas.


That makes a lot of sense to EA most of her schools. My S23 applied to 12 schools total and did EA at the 3 schools that had that option. The other 9 he had to go regular decision because they only offered that and ED. I wish my son could have done EA more places because his (& my :rofl:) wait is going to be L O N G before the decisions come back.

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To clarify, I wasn’t suggesting that Case stacks. I’ve never heard of them doing that, yet you can email them to ask if you can’t find the info on the website.

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It’s a pain in the butt AND it’s made to seem that if the student gets admitted to the school… poof they get TE. Not even close. Honestly, if a student can get TE they can probably get a reasonable merit scholarship anyway. I agree the way it is presented is very… unrealistic.


Hello! I’m new here and happy to read these posts. My son applied to 10 schools (plus the school where his father works which is not a good match for my son but he threw the application in as a last resort), 4 of which are TE schools. He has gotten good news from schools so far (he has heard from 7 of the 11 he applied to – all accepts) with no TE information (he has heard back from 2 TE schools with acceptances but no TE information) and has 4 more schools left to hear from, 3 of which are heavy, heavy reach schools. So we may be nearing his list of accepted schools and just waiting on financial info. 3.91 UGPA, 4.45 WGPA, 1570 SAT, lots of AP stuff, pretty exclusively STEM/academic ECs. The waiting is so hard!!! Wishing everyone great TE success!


Welcome and wishing you and your family success, too!

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Thank you!

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My daughter’s TE award covers study abroad, as long as it used during a regular (non-summer) semester.


Welcome! Wishing you all the best! :blush:

It is definitely difficult to wait!!

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Hi All,

Do any of you have a kiddo who applied TE to Fordham? My D23 got her electronic financial award package, and it listed two Fordham scholarships (combining for 20k) AND tuition exchange (41k), saying at the bottom that her award package was 61k.

D23 was floored, since Fordham is her dream school. Not only did she get TE, but it stacked, making Fordham affordable.

…and then it struck me that it was odd to hear from Fordham on TE so early, and I remembered a post in the TE 2022 thread (on College Confidential) that said their kiddo got a financial aid letter that listed TE same way I just saw it, but when the parent called, they said they had no made TE decisions yet (later the parent updated to say their kid was denied), and so the letter was really a “this is how things would look IF you got TE”. The parent in that thread was very angry, and I see why now. My D23 was so excited, and when I read it - and I have a PhD and I’ve worked in admissions and with financial aid at my college - it looks clearly like an actual award letter. Not a “we’ll see” award letter. We’ll call in the morning, but if it’s not an actual TE award, this is most deceptive award letter I’ve ever seen and Fordham should seriously revisit how they write these.

It says (next to the TE mention): “Estimated Tuition Exchange Scholarship…41k”. You use “estimated” not as a synonym for “possible” or “potential” but rather as a word to suggest that you’re not sure what the exact amount of the scholarship is.

Anyway - very (understandably) emotional night here at Chez D23. So I’m wondering if anyone else has also received this same financial aid verbiage from Fordham, if your kiddo applied.

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How frustrating!

S23 decided not to apply there.


My daughter also received an electronic offer letter from Fordham and the TE scholarship was not listed, so it looks like your daughter did get the award. Congratulations!


Sorry–very frustrating not knowing if your kiddo has it or not. My D applied to Fordham for TE. Two other scholarships were listed in the F/A letter, but no reference about the TE award. Might mean she didn’t get it? It’s my understanding that they don’t stack or give out the TE awards until closer to April, but who knows… Hopefully others that have had some experience with Fordham’s TE will chime in and share their wisdom.
And yes, my D loves Fordham too but with would need the TE to make it feasible!


@Merimom and @kait22 - the same thing happened to the person in last year’s thread. Some people responded (to that 2022 poster) and said their FA awards didn’t list the TE, so it looked like the original poster’s kiddo got the award. But apparently Fordham told the original poster something to the effect of: if you listed TE in the CSS profile, they listed it in the FA letter, but it didn’t mean you were given the award. So if you didn’t list TE in the CSS profile you filled out, you wouldn’t expect to see TE listed in the FA award letter. So, you’d still be in the running.

If this is all true, Fordham’s FA process with respect to TE really is a total mess.

A mess indeed! And the TE process continues to be as clear as mud:) I hope you get thru tomorrow so you get some answers and really hope your kiddo is hanging in there. Limbo land is not a fun place to be.


Similar story as others. D23 received about $25K in other aid with no mention of TE at all. I plan to reach out to the office in a few days to ask about whether this is the end of the discussion or if she’s still in contention as we’ve heard that there are still award announcements into April.

Update: D23 called, and she did not get it because they have not yet don’t TE process. They even rushed her off the phone, with no apology or anything. Said “estimated” means “you could get this scholarship”. Estimated does NOT mean “possible”. It means “we’re not sure what the amount will be”. If it’s possible you say “potential TE scholarship” or “possible TE” or “If TE awarded”. D23 very upset, for completely legitimate reasons. I’m really floored at home sloppy Fordham handles this. You don’t send a financial aid letter saying “Your Scholarships” and list TE + the other Fordham scholarships, total the amount and then say “oh, that’s IF you get TE”. It’s mind-blowing how utterly misleading the letter is. D23 is emotionally crushed. And for what? There’s literally no reason for Fordham to write the letter that way. None at all. This has certainly altered my view of Fordham - I know it has altered D23’s.

Omg. I’m so sorry your 23 received what seemed like happy news that turned out to be misleading. I’d be crushed.

Thank goodness you saw mention of Fordham’s confusing letter and knew to call and verify.

This is horrible of Fordham to do! A different school–Elon, I think–emailed us a cryptic note to say they hoped to see 23 as a “Insert Name of Mascot” soon. The wording made it sound like 23 had been accepted yet no acceptance had yet been received. Other parents here found the writing unclear, too.

You would think a university could write a clear and effective email or letter. When they can’t or don’t, that’s worrisome.