Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Most colleges have asked for parent emails as well. Even as a parent it is misleading at time with what the colleges email out. Like, stop emailing me about talking to financial aid and all that stuff if my kid hasn’t even been admitted yet!


I’m really just totally floored. If I have a chance later I’ll post a screen shot - it’s so misleading. 999/1000 would naturally read it as “you received these scholarships”. It’s so obvious that this is the natural reading, I’m left stunned by their indifference on the phone. Remember - this has even happened before. A parent in 2022 had the same experience and called them. So they know. They just can’t be bothered to change it.

Good thing I was suspicious - and this was only because I read this forum, and I remembered that post from last year, and also I knew Fordham did TE later, and I also never heard of them stacking (which the letter suggests they do!). So there were a lot of red flags for me.

But assume a parent who hasn’t been lurking in forums and reading all this. They’d assume their kid got the TE. In a time when we are focusing so much on student mental health, this just seems unforgivable given that they know it has caused problems before, and they seem dismissive about the devastating effect it has on people who read the letter the way anyone who speaks English would. Worse: imagine a kid/parents rejecting other TE awards because the kid thought they had TE at their dream school. Imagine that mess.

There’s just no explanation for it. It’s such an easy fix, but they can’t be bothered apparently.


I just wanted to say how incredibly sorry I am that your daughter experienced this (& you her pain). How utterly thoughtless on the Fordham’s part! Your daughter is lucky that you knew to call and verify, otherwise I imagine this would have impacted her whole acceptance strategy. It seems stupid on Fordham’s part to keep sending these misleading letters.


I am so sorry. I genuinely assumed she received it since some of us did not have that on our letter. Such a roller coaster!


How many TEs does Fordham award? They would seem competitive with Syracuse but with a more compelling location.

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@MBWhitney and @Kait22 - thanks, it has been a mess. D23 will get over it, but it has left us sour on Fordham, unfortunately. The misleading letter was one thing, the indifference by admissions in the phone call a whole new thing. It’s an $85,000 a year institution - it’s probably a good idea to treat prospective students with some degree of basic respect. When this is all over, I will write a letter to the higher-ups there. My D23 will be long over it, but I don’t want another kiddo to have to go through an unnecessary situation like that again.

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Do you mean competitive with Syracuse like as a good place to attend school, or in how many TE awards they give? Because Syracuse gives a LOT of TE awards from what I understand.

Fordham says they get about 150 TE apps a year, and they give out about 20 TE.

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In case anyone is curious, here’s the screenshot of the award notification.

Both are great comprehensive private universities. Different strengths but ranked pretty similarly.

If I remember correctly, Syracuse provides $40k for TE but they provide quite a bit more than 20? 20 out of 150 at Fordham is quite competitive. Is Syracuse similarly competitive? The Fordham “outside estimated tuition benefit” is $41k per Excel_Dad.

My kids attend SMU which is rather comparable to Fordham. Rumor is that SMU may be offering outside TE.

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Syracuse used to give TE to any TE applicant who was admitted. I believe they have just stopped doing that this year. It remains to be seen how they will handle it from here on out. Most people are assuming that they will continue to be generous with TE awards.

20 is a decent amount of awards for Fordham, but I’m betting that Syracuse will come in at higher than Fordham’s 13% TE award rate.


I agree with you 100 percent. What if someone had given up their TE elsewhere? It makes my stomach turn to think about it given all the work parents and students pour into this process. Ugh!

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FYI: Got a letter from LMU saying last year almost 200 applied last year and only 8 TE given. (My son chose not to apply).


That is absolutely beyond belief and inexcusable. Any reasonable person would read the screenshot posted as indicating they secured TE. It is truly beyond belief.


Hi all, new to this forum but have been following along. Very exciting time in our house. Applied to 13 schools, 10 TE. 8 acceptances so far and waiting to hear back from the other 5. The wonderful and unexpected thing is that we have been awarded TE at 3 schools. I assumed that we would find out much later and would need to make a quick decision. I know others get offered once people decline the TE so we don’t want to hold others up and will decline the offers if they are not one of my daughter’s top choices. Any idea when Syracuse, Skidmore, or Lafayette typically send out notifications?


Congratulations! I assume you applied RD to Syracuse so you could compare offers? If RD, they say they notify at end of March by email.

I can’t speak to Skidmore, except a parent here from last year had to write a note to get the TE for her child. If I recall correctly, the parent said Skidmore does not give many TE awards.

Hi, I have been checking out these boards for a long time but never posted. I thought I would share our current experience to give optimism to other parents. My daughter is not an academic superstar- she has a 3.4 overall and an 1140 SAT. I have often felt defeated reading this forum and seeing how many high achieving kids were in the mix. Mu daughter’s strength is really in her extracurriculars- she is the student body president, a captain on two sports teams, a camp counselor, and a lifeguard. She also has taken a rigorous schedule with a lot of AP and dual enrollment.

Having been through the tuition exchange process already with an older child and weathering his disappointments, I knew which schools were not really worth her trying for because there was no chance of being awarded the TE. I also knew that there were a lot of safe schools on the list, so I encouraged her to apply to two schools that she liked that had an 11-40% rate of awarding TE (Monmouth and Seton Hall) and then three that were a higher likelihood. Yesterday she found out that she got full tuition TE at both Seton Hall and Monmouth. She is over the moon!

So I just am jumping in to say that there is definitely hope if your child is not a high academic achiever. Mine is certainly a solid average kid when it comes to grades. But if your child has other great attributes, some of these schools clearly take a holistic approach to TE, and I couldn’t be more grateful!


I totally understand. Frequently posters on TE here have high stat kids which crowds out the discussion, which should be wider and include students across stats. We’re here to help and to support one another so that all our kids get to maximize their educational opportunities. So thank you for adding this needed post.

Your daughter is going to love Seton or Monmouth. I’m familiar with both schools, and they are both great. And full tuition is nothing to sneeze at!

Congrats to her and to you!


My son is a 3.3 gpa (but 35 ACT) kid with solid EC’s. He was given the lesser set rate vs. full tuition at Gustavus thus far. This has us a bit worried as Gustavus said 40-60% get TE on the website. Understanding we have to read the fine print.

I am divorced and his dad is back to threatening no financial help again so this has me really hoping he gets TE/FACHEX somewhere! He is still waiting to hear from 10 schools.

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Thank you so much for posting! I understand the reluctance when 98% of what is on this forum is about high stat students, but I am always thrilled when families share info on students with “regular” profiles. Your posting here is a really great service to the community and to other lurkers. I’d love it if more people with more “normal” stats posted.

Congratulations to your D with her full tuition TE offers!