Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Congrats. My daughter also applied to a lot of schools in the 11-40% range that we thought she would be likely to get into. We also got TE from Seton Hall. We are thrilled that it is full tuition. Good luck with your decision.


My D23 applied to 10 engineering programs at TE schools (Drexel, GWU, Layfette, Stevens, WPI, Syracuse, BU, UDel, Wentworth, Trinity College), but have not heard anything from any them. We should wait till late March to April?
This is our first kid going through the college application, the waiting adds a lots of stress to the kids and parent.

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The two we have remaining (Dayton and Pitt) say they will let us know in Feb. The waiting is a pain. We are getting emails about housing from other schools…

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D23 has heard from three (Lake Forest, Ursinus, Hendrix), not the rest (Delaware, Fairfield, Loyola Chicago, DePaul, Wheaton MA, BU, Syracuse, Fordham, Eckerd, Clark, Providence, Loyola Marymount, SLU, Sarah Lawrence).

Wait, wait, wait. And then more wait.


If those schools don’t report on RD until that timeframe, I’m not sure what else you’d do?

23 applied to schools that replied sooner, so they have acceptances to several schools already.

Which of those schools do you consider the safeties? BU, UDel, Lafayette, and maybe GW don’t give out many TE awards. Did your 23 apply to non-TE schools, too?

She applied mostly on RD, trying to have good comparisons as she does not have strong preference. She did apply a few non-TE state schools but not her top choices. Syracuse and Wentworth might be her safety, but we do not know if she might be able to get TE from there as well.
Or, well, the last choice would be the home institute that she would hate to see parent in college :frowning:


Will the college award TE to EA/ED applications first? Some colleges said they will decide TE after RD is completed, so they have the whole pool of TD applicants.
Seems it might vary with schools.

My D23 got TE from Seton Hall, Fairfield, and Bryant all before their RD deadlines so it seems that those schools may offer TE to EA applicants first. It seems that many of the schools that you applied to only offered ED and RD but not EA so I would assume that those schools would wait until RD decisions have been made.
It is also our first kid going through the college process, so we are in the same situation as you.

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If your D23 got TE already from Fairfield (congrats), then I’ll be crossing Fairfield off my D23’s list (no word from them)!

It is still early in the process. They may not have gone through the whole list yet. These things are fluid. I wouldn’t rule it out yet. Good luck.


To find this out, you’d have to contact each school. In my limited experience, each school seems to choose a way of doing things and that way can differ from other schools.

Here and elsewhere, I’ve heard students and parents suggest that ED would reduce merit since ED is binding. I’m not sure we have a way to verify that. A lot of this process is a guessing game!

I wish you and your family all the best!:blush:

My son applied to Fairfield as well. Web site indicated they only award 4 each year so we knew it was a long shot. I guess we can also scratch it off the list.

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I work at a school that gives out TE scholarships. While every school handles it differently, they often will make a list and offer them until a certain number are accepted. If you have a TE school that you would definitely attend if you received a TE award, it is worth letting them know. While it might not impact the process at some schools, it could be a key factor at others.


I know pitt you had to apply by Dec 1 to be considered for TE.

Also Dayton says "Priority consideration will be given to those that apply for admission and file the FAFSA by November 1st. "

Yep, I think so. D23 applied EA, so I think she probably would have heard, if they awarded some EA’s TE. Never know, though - we’ll see. In any case, this is why using TE requires a lot of applications!


Not sure this matters to all of them, but I definitely know this is true at some. I was told by a few that demonstrated interest mattered. This seemed less an issue (or a non-issue) at large national universities that are likely just compiling a stat based acceptance list (with wait lists) and more an issue at smaller national liberal arts schools that may only have a few to distribute.

That would be hard for some applicants. At my home institute, they will not submit the export TE applications till middle Dec.

Applying to the university by Dec 1, not to TE… those two processes are different.

Dayton clearly states that a campus visit matters in their decision process.

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