Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

The search feature on the TE website might help. You’ll also have to seek a school that allows second-year students to apply for TE, so you don’t waste your time. Some schools focus on giving TE to first-year students and others don’t care.

Some schools with more than 5k:

Case Western
Bucknell? Not sure if over 5k.
U of Richmond
U Delaware
St Mary’s College of Maryland
U of Scranton

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Thank you so much.

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All TE decisions in (except Syracuse and JU). Kid was low gpa (3.4) so we knew going in that his odds were low. He sent his 35 ACT score to all who took it. Mom works at a Jesuit and he applied for both FACHEX and TE. All denials were sent with the “we received a record number of applicants” email.

Jacksonville U (FL): Uncertain about TE as they awarded him merit for academics and music which covers full tuition.

Xavier: Denied FACHEX and TE. Was offered 25k/yr merit.

Gustavus Adolphus: Denied full award, given set rate 41k/yr. (initially given 34k/yr merit)

Loyola New Orleans: Denied FACHEX and TE. Was offered 32k/yr for esports. (this one hurt as my son visited twice and has been recruited).

Stetson: Awarded set rate 41k/yr.

DePaul: Denied TE.

Baldwin Wallace: initially denied, then waitlisted, then approved for TE full tuition. (Also given 17k/yr initially but taken away after TE).

U of Dayton: Denied TE. (was offered 28k/yr merit).

Gonzaga: Denied FACHEX and TE.


Thanks for sharing.
With BW, it just goes to show that there is hope!
Has he decided where he will go?

Has anyone heard about TE for University of Richmond?

Thought it might be helpful for others for the future!

No final decisions yet. The cheapest school happens to be a non TE school at the moment. He is touring 3 schools next week (including BW).


You may want to take a look at this post. Don’t know which of those schools have TE for transfer students, but it is a resource.


Syracuse decisions are here.

Thank you- this is super helpful!

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For TE? If so, likely another no for him.

My son was admitted to Syracuse and Merit info was listed but no mention of TE. Were the TE awards listed on the portal today?

I meant general RD announcements have been posted to the portal.

They didn’t send emails to everyone or maybe anyone.

23 is away so I won’t get to know until later.

Would you be okay sharing stats? If not, no worries!

Sure. My son has about a 3.8 unweighted GPA, 4.3 weighted. 1530 SAT. Lots of APs. Eagle Scout, lots of extracurriculars and community service. Syracuse was his last acceptance he was waiting on. He got in to 11/12 schools, waitlisted at Case Western (he declined to send a letter of continued interest or mid-term grades after being deferred, so the waitlist was no surprise).

He got into RIT, WPI, Purdue, Penn State, Dayton, UDelaware, Lafayette, Bucknell, Gannon, Binghamton and Clarkson. (intended major: Computer Science)

So far for TE he’s been approved at RIT, Clarkson, Gannon. Denied at Delaware, Dayton and Bucknell. Waiting on Lafayette, WPI and Syracuse.

Syracuse did give him a $15k chancellor’s scholarship and a $5k “success award for outstanding commitment to his community”


Same. Admitted to Syracuse and merit scholarship given but no TE decision. Still curious if Syracuse will stack awards this year.


Waitlisted to Syracuse. Um what? :thinking:
Received TE to Pitt (have heard TE is like a 5% chance)
Received TE plus 9k to St. Lawrence
Accepted to Hamilton (11% acceptance rate)

I am so confused.

DD was waitlisted too. Syracuse was the last to hear from so the good news is we can sit down and look at her options over spring break and hopefully come up with a decision.

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D23 (33ACT, 3.99 UW, full IB) also waitlisted. I must say, this was a “wut?” moment. When D23 texted me, I was sure she’d misread what the notification was saying. I thought she had a decent shot at the TE, given prior yearly data on Syracuse. Not only did she not get TE, she was (like you kiddo) waitlisted for admission - Wut? How do you get waitlisted for admission with stats over the 75th percentile?

Imma just throw my hands up on this one and laugh. I’m glad D23 has other good offers, so although she was hopeful on this one, she has other good offers.


My son only got in because he is a music major and its more of a talent admission than academic.

Exactly! WUT? And just now an acceptance from Colgate. With a COA of 28k