Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

The cost has indeed reached a scary crazy number. It remains one of my D23’s top choices though. She applied knowing that she has two huge hurdles- getting in and getting the TE award. Decisions come out on Friday. Based on threads from past years, TE awards may not come out until @ April 15th.

As a parent, seems less stressful to be rejected rather than acceptance w/ no TE award. The limbo/waiting is not fun and May 1 is a coming. I’m in the camp of “just pull the band aid off already” so we can move on and focus on her top choices that we can actually afford without selling a body part!


Loyola Marymount in LA notified my D23 tonight that she did not get the TE award.
This was a school that we visited, (we are on the East coast) showed lots of interest and she was excited about their programs/location. It was in her top 4, but w/o TE, unsure if it remains on the list.

Batting 1 for 3 on TE now and the remaining 3 TE schools are all long shots.
Starting to focus more on the public options now:)

We have 10 out of 12 decisions back and complete with financial aid. We applied to 8 TE schools and here are the results (for the benefit of future generations). S23 wants to major in computer science.

Pitt TE awarded (41K covers full tuition for in-state, COA 19K/yr)
Clarkson TE awarded (41K + 12K merit, COA 27K/yr)
Udel TE awarded (full tuition, COA 18K/yr)
WIT accepted, TE waitlist (26K merit, COA 35K/yr)
Rose-Hulman TE awarded (41K, COA 35K/yr)
RIT accepted but no word on TE (26K merit; COA 49K/yr)
Case Western TE awarded (41K + 1.2K grant, COA 44K/yr)

We also applied to but haven’t heard from Syracuse.

S23 visited Pitt last weekend and he is ready to commit to Pitt. We already declined couple of the awards and will decline the rest in the next couple of days (except for the Pitt award of course.:)). I would love to see here how everyone else’s search turned out.

Edit: Adding the stats here: S23 has 1460 SAT/4.6 weighted GPA, strong ECs with leadership, 3-year varsity sport (captain this year), 7 APs and 7 dual enrollment classes, want to major in CS.


Thanks for the helpful update and for declining awards promptly. Those are some nice offers. My son is on a couple of those waitlists, so :crossed_fingers:?

Congrats to your son on Pitt, I hope he’s excited!

Quick reminder to all the folks on this thread - in May (when all this will be over for the Fall 2023 cycle) I’m going to create a post with all the schools mentioned, and the dates they released their TE information. It would also be great to add to that post the awards given (particularly, if they stacked) and also the general stats that they’re aligned with in terms of acceptances and denials. As I noted in a prior post, I think that would be immensely helpful to the parents/students in the Fall 2024 cycle. This kind of info would have been gold if I’d had it to start with.

So: if you are willing, once it’s all said and done, it would be great if people listed their TE applications, what they received, which ones they were denied, and also a brief stat review. If you’d prefer to shoot it to me via CC’s DM system, that’s fine too. I know there are some here who do not post, so if you’d be willing to DM me with your info, I’d be appreciative. If you’d prefer not to list any of those things, I understand. That said, the more data, the better for the post.

Good luck all! My D23 applied to 18 TEs (wiped her out), and is waiting on five last TEs - Fordham, BU, Syracuse, Fairfield, and Eckerd. BU should be releasing tomorrow, I’m hopeful that Syracuse will as well. I think Fordham is waiting until early April, and Fairfield is Apr. 1. No clue about Eckerd, though they said early on that maybe they’d have 1 TE award.


I heard (but am not 100% certain) that Fordham and Fairfield have already released their TE scholarships. Some as early as the end of January.

Not sure about Fairfield, but spoke with Fordham the other day - they are releasing TE in early April. Their in-house scholarships might all be out at this point, though.


I hope your son receives one of those awards.:wink:

Yes, he is very excited - he planned out his courses for his freshmen and sophomore years yesterday.:smiley: He is particularly excited about minoring in Hungarian. While we weren’t looking for a school where he can do that, it was a pleasant add on which kind of cemented for us that this was meant to be. Fun fact: Pitt has a ‘Less-Commonly-Taught Languages’ Center.


Thank you for all the work you’re doing with this!

My son heard back from Fairfield on 1/6/23 that he had been granted the FACHEX award and denied the TE award. It sounded like they kept a wait list, but I’m not sure.


I apologize for my ignorance but when you all say COA will that be how much it will cost to attend WITH the TE? I have a sophomore so I’m just lurking and learning at this point. Thank you!!

Typically, after all financial awards - if they receive any (e.g. TE, Merit Scholarship, financial aid Grants, etc.). It will include room and board.

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All: D23 reached out to Fairfield. The will release “around April 1st”. So, they may have released FACHEX but they are still sitting on the release of TE decisions. Just a heads up for those still waiting on them.


Has anyone received a TE decision from Lafayette? It was not included in the admission letter.

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Ours wasn’t either. Wasn’t sure if that meant he was declined (like Bucknell) or if they just didn’t make a decision yet

I did a deep dive and found on the TE website that they release TE decisions next week, after regular admissions decisions.

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ooh good to know. Thanks!

Phew!! Great news! Although it appears Loyola Maryland and Marymount already released them - my colleague’s daughter received a TE (set rate) offer two weeks ago from both schools. So some must have already started??? Do schools that have yet to release admission decisions include their TE decisions with the acceptance, or do they come later?

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It will vary from school to school depending on their particular amount for room, board, and fees. It also will depend if the school gives full tuition or a set rate. We had tuition packages that ranged from 14k a year to 19k a year, all with tuition fully covered. I think there are a handful of schools that also give money for room and board, but none that we were looking at.


Seton Hall is the most diverse school we toured (and where D27 has decided to go). The stats hover around 50% minority- not sure how many are hispanic. We got TE and her academics are fine but not remarkable; she has strong ECs.


Does anyone have a list of “big” schools" with > 5000 students for TE/CIC? My son is a freshman at Springfield (TE) but feels it is too small for him. He was an average HS student but his GPA should be about 3.8 after his first year at Springfield. Any help would be appreciated.