Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Sure - Lake Forest, Ursinus, and Hendrix were all early, in Nov/Dec. All the rest were after January. I’ll have all this in the final post, along with the receipt dates others have indicated. Knowing when some of these places make decisions is really important to know.



Could you tell us a bit more about how the late breaking news came about? Did your DC get off the waitlist or something else?

If you mentioned this before, my apologies. I haven’t seen a post (maybe I overlooked it) and am curious.:smile:

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It wasn’t a waitlist - it was late just in that Fordham didn’t release their TE awards until the first week of April. With the exception of Eckerd (said they would release 4/15, never heard from them), Fordham was our only April notification. I think most of the other colleges we knew about TE by mid-March (maybe BU was late march, but she was waitlisted there). D23 was already leaning to Loyola Chicago at that point, and then had 2 or so weeks of dead time. We knew Fordham would release late, and she ranked them higher than LUC (though she really liked LUC), but we had Fordham as a low-probability reach. And then - she got it!


Loyola Chicago is a great school. Kid could not make a bad choice!! My kid’s dad is a Loyola Chicago alum (for his MBA).


Quick question for all you TE folks: each year, set rate goes up 1k. When it goes up, does it go up for everyone, or just for the new incoming students? So, if D23’s set rate is 41k for Fall 2023, does it stay at 41k all four years, or go up 1k each year?

A BIG congrats to your D! I’ve been following her admissions journey (through you) from the beginning. You have always been so helpful to others on this thread and very transparent about how your process was unfolding. Your posts from this journey will continue to help future families.

I’m thrilled with her results and that Fordham worked out for you in the end. :grin:


When the set rate increases, it increases for all.


Great - thanks!

Thanks, ProfSD! It’s been one heck of a journey. Hopefully everything is working out well on your end with yours as well!

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@Excel_Dad Congratulations to your D23 and thank you for posting all this great information! This has been a great forum to follow. I was just curious if you were notifying all of the schools that offered TE of your final choice. My son has been offered TE at a few schools, but we’re still hoping for a late breaking offer from Clark University. I know this is a crazy week for both undecided students and financial aid offices!


IronGirl - thanks, and yes, D23 did turn down the Clark TE. I hope your son gets it! My sister is a Clark graduate, and has great memories of her time there. I always found Clark to be a really unique intersection of “national university” (which they are classified as) and “national liberal arts school” given their size. If you’re looking for a nice blending of the two, it’s a great destination. And, of course, right on the commuter rail to Boston!

Good luck!


Thank you! I’m going to reach out to them again today. Clark is a really good fit for my son, but without TE a real stretch financially. We’ll see!

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I got waitlisted for TE at USC. Does anyone know if there is any chance of me getting accepted off the waitlist?

S23 is going to be turning down TE at Bucknell, Dickinson and St. Lawrence this week, so if you are waiting for any of those, you might want to signal your interest to the school.


So tonight my son is scheduled to make his final college choice. He has it narrowed down to 2, and is strongly leaning toward one of them. He just wants one final discussion before committing. They are both COA ~$17K.

Just got an email that he’s been awarded TE at Delaware. Its COA is ~$14K. We think it could be a great fit, but he hasn’t visited in-person. He’s in the honors college at all of them, and they all have the programs and clubs he wants.

We had scheduled an April visit but ended up cancelling because it would require a flight and we thought TE prior to May 1 was a long-shot. We could technically make it out for a May 1 visit and he can decide that day.

It’s definitely a better school for engineering than his other 2 finalists. However, he decided to eliminate even stronger engineering schools either because they cost more or just because he liked his 2 finalists better. I think he’ll probably just let Delaware go only because there’s not enough time to properly assess it. I also have a feeling that even if we visited, he’d still feel most pulled to his current favorite (Syracuse).

It’s a nice problem to have, but I wish he would have had it 2 weeks ago before we cancelled the visit!


My son committed this week to Syracuse. 41K set rate TE plus 20k VPA Leadership Scholarship stacked.


Congrats on TE at Delaware! Would he have any interest in reaching out to his top choice and asking for a short extension past May 1? Or is he just going to roll on ahead to that cold place in New York? :wink:


Thanks! We thought there was an okay chance he might get it. But not prior to May 1.

We’ll see what he thinks when he gets home from school. He might just feel overwhelmed with this new option. I suspect he’ll just want to move on at this point, but we shall see.

He normally makes decisions based on logic/data. But in this case, he is going with his gut. Because he’s quite non-emotional, he requires time and reassurance to feel confident in his instincts. Knowing that he could transfer to either parent employer at any point to study engineering for cheap helps him not feel so frightened about making a choice.

Yesterday he said his honors college admission over the weekend kind of sealed Syracuse for him. Whether or not he decides to stay in the program, he’s felt a lot of love with the TE scholarship, the Leadership scholarship, and now the Honors acceptance.

As of yesterday I was so confident he’d be picking Syracuse that I ordered him an Otto orange shirt. But everyone loves Otto so it will get worn no matter what :slightly_smiling_face:


I think I started this thread? If so, that is funny to think of now. After loads of research and visits, we’re not using TE at all. :rofl:

Kiddo is in at UMD and committing to that. We will be contacting the school where we received TE to let them know today, and 23 also has to contact a coach to let them know the decision.

They already work at UMD in a program that is also sort of a club, so they’ve been involved for a while.

My kid has been all over campus–and even accidentally walked into an active class at age 11 haha–and they know there is a lot to like.

One of their sophomore friends is already committed to UMD in their heart so they will see each other in a few years and will keep working together on campus. A good friend will be in the same dorm, and they like the location near their classes and fun things to do.

We won’t have any travel costs and the COA is nice and low, so this all worked out well. =) Due to this choice, 23 will have extra money leftover.


After some light deliberations yesterday, our son decided to commit to Syracuse. TE for 41K and Leadership scholarship for half-tuition to make up the rest (20K). The deposit is made!

He confirmed that he feels great about not having made the housing deposit at Purdue a couple weeks ago. That was the choice he agonized about the most.

He was fine with turning down yesterday’s last-minute Delaware offer. We told him that UDel engineering was stronger than Syracuse, but he correctly noted that if strength of program was a bigger priority for him he would have chosen Purdue or Rose-Hulman. He declined Delaware yesterday so they can notify the next person on the waitlist.

He said that Syracuse “just feels right” and “I can’t explain it, but I just like it the most”. My spouse immediately started talking about ordering family sweatshirts and I happily closed out the college spreadsheet. And our son is very excited about his Otto shirt that will arrive today :tangerine: