<p>Anyone have some insight as to what the tuition will be for the upcoming school year? I recall that we received a letter from Father Jenkins at about this time last year detailing the costs. I wonder if the tuition, fees, room and board will hit the $50,000 mark!</p>
<p>momtofour–wondering the same thing! Have been checking web sites at ND–but it seems there is no news yet! Thank goodness, just one more year to go! Based on previous years’ increases, hopefully it will still come in under the $50,000 year mark.</p>
<p>This was just in the NYT, a Fed estiamte that median family wealth went down 3.2% from 2004 to 2008. Of course ND will increase the tuition and R&B because they “can”, not becasue they need to, let’s admit there is price signaling going on between the elite private schools.</p>
<p>Won’t admit it–just glad we only have one more year!!!</p>