<p>D's school announced that their tuition and room and board fee will go up 3.9%, which is the lowest % increase in 8 years. How about your D/S's school?</p>
<p>I grip my checkbook with fear and trepidation</p>
<p>We may not hear until late April (that was when the news came last year)
I’m interested in what the room rates will be. At NYU, they have a wide price range of dorms (and they are varying distances away from the main classrooms) and I’m hoping my son will get a cheap seat (which will most certainly cost more than 11K and that does NOT include food). They have a lottery system for students to pick rooms and as a junior next year he will have the lowest priority in the lottery.</p>
<p>We won’t get FA papers until July, about 3 weeks before the bill is due (if this year is like last year).</p>
<p>Hurry up and wait, then pay up quickly!</p>
<p>edit: <a href=“http://www.nyunews.com/news/university/funds_up_by_100m%252C_nyu_12th_for_2008_donations-1.1592556[/url]”>http://www.nyunews.com/news/university/funds_up_by_100m%252C_nyu_12th_for_2008_donations-1.1592556</a> I just saw this on their website.</p>
<p>At my daughter’s school, they announced a 3.5% increase – also the lowest % increase in many, many years.</p>
<p>My son’s school is going up 5.9%</p>
<p>We got a note saying DD’s school is increasing costs by only 3%.</p>
<p>My theory is that publics will increase at a higher rate than private schools so please post what type of school you are talking about. My son’s private is going up 4%, a decrease from the usual 8%.</p>
<p>I posted about my son’s going up 5.9%. It is small, private LAC. He is a freshman this year, so I don’t know what it has been in the past.</p>
<p>2.9%, private. Lowest in some time.</p>
<p>I take it those here are paying a big chunk of tuition full freight?</p>
<p>Nope, no affect on me whatsoever. Deep financial aid.</p>
<p>^ Happy for you.</p>
<p>Student charges are increasing 3.76% to $49,600 (total, including everything) at D’s school (also S1’s beginning this fall). </p>
<p>They say this is the lowest increase in ten years. Whee.</p>
<p>No official word from DS school yet, but I did read in the student newspaper that tuition will rise 2.9&, the lowest increase in a generation. Financial aid will increase 18%. This is a private university.</p>
<p>Some school names attached to these percentages would make this thread infinitely more useful:</p>
<p>Swarthmore 3.76%</p>
<p>I calculated 6.2% increase at expensive, private university! (sucks to be me)</p>
<p>Make sure you are including room and board too not just tuition.
Tuition increase is 4.7%
Room and Board - 12.2%</p>
<p>CMU will go up 2.9%, the lowest since ?1987.</p>
<p>Right, re my post #12, that’s Swarthmore. The figure quoted includes everything: tuition, room, board, and student activity fee.</p>
<p>2.9% Princeton. Lowest since 1966.</p>
<p>They raised it 4.5% overall for next year (2009-2010) at my school; it was raised about 6.8% for this year (2008-2009).</p>
<p>Thank goodness I’m graduating and my parents are done paying tuition…until grad school anyway.</p>
<p>Our D2’s private HS is going up 4%, lowest ever.</p>
<p>We haven’t heard from D1’s college yet. But, she is going to Sydney U for a semester, which will be 6000 less a semester than her school, she is going to live off campus in the spring when she returns, which will also be cheaper. The saving will pay for a nice vacation for our family to go to Sydney with her.</p>