TuitionPay deadline

<p>So I (a freshman in the fall) just checked my checklist for the money matters on the applicant link and it says that the first payment was due May 15. I just noticed this today and no one had ever told money was due this early. Is this really bad or do they not care if it is a little late? and why don’t they send e-mails out about this?? plus, is this the only way you have to pay? they don’t send you a bill or something in the mail??? did everyone figure this out but me???</p>

<p>dude i hv no idea about that? Maybe the first payment is the enrollment??</p>

<p>TuitionPay is an optional payment program which splits your bill up into 10 monthly payments each year. You can also just pay by the semester. Either way, you must start making payments by Aug. 17 or you will be charged a late fee. Check out the Student</a> Accounting Services page for more information.</p>

<p>When DS was a freshman, we didn't sign up for Tuition Pay until July. We had to send three months of payments (payments typically start in May so we had to send in May, June and July). Call them. I believe you can find the link on the student accounting section of the BU website.</p>

<p>Thanks, I was just a little nervous cause I wasn't sure if this was required and they'd slap a slap a huge late on me. I will just sign up for TuitionPay and do what it says.</p>