Tulane Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Accepted Tulane Honors 4.0 uw. TO. Lots of ec and sports. Scholarship offered and really good why Tulane essay.


That is literally nuts!!! Why give EA option if they are not accepting anyone. It’s wrong!


Deferred and asking for fall grades and scores, if we want to change from test optional. Huh. I thought they said they were absolutely test optional. Guess that means optional, not blind.

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Did you show any other interest? What ECs? Test scores?

In shock.
Son has been Accepted - Honors College with 52K in Merit over 4 years. Wow.



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Visited, tons of Virtual events, interviewed. NHS, Varsity Golf and Soccer (5 years), treasurer of AOF Club, vp of interact club, Vice President of the class, treasurer of Music Honor Society. Went test optional.


Deferred. 3.997 UW, ranked 1/264, really solid EC’s, good “Why Tulane,” demonstrated interest, including a visit from the west coast and last year’s summer program. It was expected but honestly, it’s disappointing.

Accepted with 56k for 4 years and Honors College! Congratulations to everyone :slight_smile:


It’s called “yield protection”! Does Tulane count “deferred” in its admission rate numbers?

Yeah I’m wondering if the interest is where I’m weak. Couldn’t visit officially bc COVID, and only attended two events- one in person and one virtual. However, I did do an interview and wrote what I thought was a pretty good Why Tulane essay. Sounds like you deserve it.

yep same here. deferred with opportunity to submit updated grades and test scores (if not submitted previously)

is anyone going to switch to EDII? Is it even worth it?

not switching if merit is around 50K over 5 years, means cost is still 65K /year.


Son accepted ED Wharton, deferred Tulane, great grades, stats, lots of demonstrated interest, great essays.


was anybody actually DENIED? I know they took less than 10% EA and deferred many candidates. Not sure if they deferred the bulk of EA or not. The school takes so many kids from ED I and ED II if they also deferred most of EA then 

attended multiple in person, visited campus, in person local event, etc.

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I got deferred. 4.3W, 3.85UW, and a 32ACT with some national-level awards in EC’s and over 650 hours of community service. I’m thinking my demonstrated interest was weak, I never went to visit and just did a couple of webinars.

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4.15 wgpa
1520 SAT
7 APs, lots of honors

We were expecting the deferral. Not too upset.

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Is anyone going to switch to ED2?

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