Tuscaloosa Culture Shock?!

<p>thank you @beadymom !!!</p>

<p>So my dad just told me that he has a friend who’s son went to UA and then left because he hated it and there was a lot of segregation on campus. Has anyone else had similar experiences to this?</p>

<p>What years did he attend the school @speechprincess?</p>

<p>@speechprincess - there are quite a few African-American parents on the parent FB group. It would be great if you could talk to their students and find out for yourself firsthand. I’d be happy to reach out to them and ask if you could contact them. Feel free to PM me and I will see what I can do. </p>

<p>You might also try searching “Alabama Forensic Council” on Facebook and contact some of the members. There is a nice picture of this year’s team - and very diversified.</p>

<p>He actually graduated from UA in 3 years and is there right now getting his masters. I am going to try and get in contact with him. And I follow the Forensic Council on Facebook and I showed my parents that the Alabama team actually has more African American members than almost all of the schools I currently compete against in CA. I am trying to wait off on contacting anyone from the team yet (Except for Edjumacation who I did PM and he definitely answered all of my questions) I want to wait until my performance is really good and then I can submit the video and my scholarship application and then contact Mr. Imbody. </p>