<p>Right now i'm praying and waiting for God to give me the answer... Should I transfer?</p>
<p>I'm a freshman at the UW, majoring in business, I made lots of friends and nothing is going wrong... other than my calc final yesterday... lol</p>
<p>Anyways, my family income is below poverty and UW only offers loans as financial aid to out of state students (as they are public school). I NEED to find a way to pay for school or I'll be in $40k debt every year.</p>
<p>I feel I have a shot at wherever im going to apply (depending on this quarters grades), ivy leagues and the whole bunch.</p>
<p>Want to transfer to a good private school w business program. Transfer apps for Columbia U and UPenn due in two days. Other plans are Boston U. and Boston College. Never visited any schools, but then again, i never visited UW.</p>
<p>Any words from experience? I really need insight on people who had to make decisions like this.</p>
<p>Yes. As a fellow person from a humble background, here’s my thoughts:</p>
<li><p>The only costs of applying to transfer is the stress from the applications and getting all the forms together and of course the monetary cost of transferring (this might be a big problem, as those application fees, SAT score reports, envelopes for recommenders, etc can add up fast…as being under poverty level you can likely get fee waivers for several parts, such as application fees and etc but there still do exist costs that there are no waivers for that’ll come up). However, are you sure you already have all those things ready? There often is a bit of a delay for people to send out those things (not counting the application itself - they often want the other materials postmarked by a certain date too)…if it is impossible to make the deadlines for this year, I certainly suggest thinking about it next year or for spring transfer, etc. </p></li>
<li><p>Just from my point of view as some friendly advice, I do not believe that UW is worth $40,000 in debt every year. in my opinion it might be a wiser choice to first finish up your first two years at a CC, transfer back to your in-state state school, or transfer to an elite private university (as you are talking about - however remember their acceptance rates are super low…) that will cover full need. </p></li>
<p>Although as you said you haven’t visited the schools, those schools are good enough to have a place for everyone. You said you have lots of friends so I’m assuming you’re mildly extroverted which will make it a no big-deal transition as a transfer at those schools.</p>
<p>BU’s deadline is April 1st, I think you got enough time if you start your application as soon as possible. It’s not hard at all to get into BU [freshman 56%], but getting in is not the problem; financial aid is not the best at BU and you’re going to end up with 40 if not 50k in loans. BU doesn’t have a real campus, it’s located along the commonwealth avenue. BC does have a campus but it’s not in downtown Boston like BU. BC, academically, is better than BU. I have been to Columbia many times since my friend goes there, I really like everything about it except its location in NYC. Weird enough, but I personally don’t think NYC is not the ideal place for a student who’s academically focused. </p>
<p>I think you’re better off applying for Spring or Fall 2012, since time is up or almost up for good schools with a high financial aid budget.</p>
<p>Didn’t seem to bother our president, who transferred there. ;-)</p>
<p>Avoid debt as much as possible. But as Swagger noted, if you haven’t done the supplemental forms already, you’re probably out of luck with Columbia and Penn. For what its worth, its nice to know people still pray before they make life changing decisions. God bless.</p>
<p>Haha funny thing is I added, unintentionally, an extra “not” so it’s basically saying what you posted.</p>
<p>NYC especially when it’s raining, no sun at all, and skyscrapers is just depressing. Another friend of mine dropped out of Columbia because of the depressing mood.</p>
<p>Some people say Seattle (the “rain”) and Madison (the “winter”) are depressing. I’m not sure which UW the OP attends, but either way, depression should not be an issue.</p>
<p>Thanks a lot everyone! I really appreciate the fast replys! I am attending the University of Washington - Seattle; and the rain does bog you down sometimes. I’ve only noticed my mood change when the sun is actually out and I just feel more excited. Nevertheless, I think I’m going to pass on the transfers for Columbia and UPenn, I’ll have to look into other schools as a possibility. I have all the recs and premade essays I used on scholarship apps before, so it would be a means of compiling everything. I don’t want to go to a CC or transfer back to my state school, kind of a pride issue… But I’ll have a lot of things to pray about… And it doesn’t help that this week is finals week and I have more finals in two days, ahahha.</p>
<p>THANKS AGAIN! MUCH APPRECIATED! Will continue to pray about what I have to do.
P.S. I guess I’m a huge extrovert… I wouldn’t feel depresseds if I left friends, maybe sad for a little tho; it might be because of other means of communication (eg Facebook, texting).</p>