Two- or Four-person honors freshman dorm?

<p>DD will be a freshman (2013). She wants to know not which one, but which size would be best (business/marketing and pr/advertising double major and intends to go thru sorority recruitment).</p>

<p>Any thoughts for an OOS gal with strong social skills but a real need for quiet study?</p>

<p>Not only would it be hard for an incoming frosh to get a 2 bedroom suite (there are few), but I wouldn’t recommend one for a frosh anyway.</p>

<p>i think 4 bedroom is fine. remember … most kids across america are SHARING A BEDROOM and have for decades/centuries. any option that offers one person per bedroom to is a fabulous option.</p>

<p>We were thinking a four. I’m still in shock that having your OWN bedroom is even possible! I still kid my college roomie (1975) about studying all night with the bright desk light on…</p>

<p>I completely agree with M2CK on both points.</p>

<p>You can have “quiet study” in a 4 bedroom suite. But, frankly, kids study everywhere…in Starbucks, in the libraries, in study rooms (I think each res hall has some), on the Quad, by the Lakeside lake, by the river, etc.</p>

<p>I just don’t think it’s a good idea for a frosh to have a 2 BR suite.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that the NMF scholarship covers the 4BR…not the 2BR. There’s an upcharge for the 2 BR.</p>

<p>My son found the study rooms, located on each floor, convenient when he didn’t want to walk to the library for a quiet place to study.</p>

<p>Interesting to see everyone’s opinions, we have been contemplating the same for our D’13 and were leaning towards the two person. D is an only child and does much better one on one or in a large group…small groups can challenge her. If her and her roommate aren’t close that would not bother her, but if she is left out of a group (ie the other 3 roommates) that would. I hope that makes sense? So we will try for a two, if it doesn’t work then she will have to make the best out of a four.</p>

<p>We have not and will not share are line of thinking with D.</p>

<p>One of the reasons I don’t like the 2 rooms suites…especially for frosh girls is because (and I know this may seem sexist)…</p>

<p>On the parents’ thread, there have been a number of posts about “bossy girls” who think they can set the rules for the dorm. Some of these rules are ridiculous and sometimes involve things like, “I don’t clean toilets so you’ll have to do that” and “No visitors allowed unless I’m here,” etc, etc. These “power girls” don’t have such power when there are 4 girls, but they can run roughshod over a nice girl alone.</p>

<p>^^^^^^ two person suites are hard to get but really since all roommates will have different schedules, often there is no one home. My son’s schedule kept him so busy that he hardly ever saw the other suitemates.</p>

<p>I can vouch for what M2CK posted. The only way I would consider a two person is for siblings or for older students. While the idea sounds good, having only one other roommate can lead to one roommate feeling they have the right to dominate, intimidate, and harass the other. I speak through personal experience. This would be less likely in a four person suite. Although the two person suites are a really nice option, be aware that the potential for serious issues is real.</p>

<p>I can see how there would be safety in numbers…</p>

<p>I just showed DD the floor pland for the various honors dorms, and she was amazed that there is actually a small kitchen, a sitting and dining area and that each bathroom is shared by only two girls!!!</p>

<p>Less than THREE WEEKS until we SEE THEM FOR OURSELVES!!!</p>

<p>We are soooooo very excited.</p>

<p>Yes! </p>

<p>and the nice thing about the bathrooms is that the sink area is large and is outside of the toilet/shower area. So, one girl can be taking a shower, while the other is grooming at the mirror.</p>

<p>The kitchenette doesn’t have a stove. It has a sink, microwave, large fridge, and cabinets. </p>

<p>And, the living room is furnished.</p>

<p>I can not wait to get my serger out and SLIPCOVER EVERYTHING in HOUNDSTOOTH !!! haha</p>

<p>How cute! With Crimson Pillows with braided trim or something!</p>

<p>Certainly!! And maybe some elephant motifs here-and-there…</p>

<p>BTW, is the elephant mascot really popular or merely “sort of” popular?</p>

<p>Big Al is popular. Many kids have little elephant stuffed animals. And the elephant is often on spiritwear.</p>

<p>Wow! I had a Komondor (the huge white corded Hungarian sheepdogs that look like string mops) named BIG AL. He was the</p>

<p>Good to know the pachaderm is popular — I saw a tee on Sorority101’s pinterest site that had an applicaied elephant done in HOUNDSTOOTH on a baseball-style tee and it was too, too cute.</p>

<p>MOm2CK, bamagirls: Thanks y’all have given me something to think about, I never thought about bossy girls…given each will have their own room.</p>

<p>M2CK: While there are “bossy girls,” there are also very lazy guys. They live in those four-person suites and refuse to clean the bathroom, do the dishes or dump the trash. My son has lived with a few of those guys before – not fun.</p>