Two questions i had..

<p>Ok so when i was filling out my application to the University of Illinois at Chicago they had me write down my first and second semester classes. I sent in that application 3 months ago. My question is, if i decide to change something in my second semester schedule would they really care? The thing is that my high school has a rule where you have to have 4 years of english to graduate. I had 3 semesters of english my junior year so if i finish this full year i will have 4.5 years of english. I wanted to change my schedule so i got rid of my second semester english class and got a late arrival instead. Do you think this is a good idea even though i put down that i would have that class in the application?</p>

<p>My second question is for anybody that applied to this university, did they get their accentance/rejection letters yet? I turned my application in 3 months ago and havent heard anything from them yet. the deadline for my application was January 15th so would that have anything to do with it? Do they just take all the applications then and look at all them or do they look at them right when they get them?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for any replies</p>

<p>Yeah they do care, you must inform your schools about any schedule changes. </p>

<p>Hope that helps =P</p>

<p>Dang.. ill just take the class then.</p>

<p>Can anybody answer my second question please? I just really want to know if i got accepted or not so i can see if i can drop this class before my second semester starts.</p>