typical princeton student day

<p>Please, describe what is a a typical Princeton student's day? It will be better if you decsribe two - Wednesday, for eg, and a weekend day.</p>

<p>My day:
10:15 AM - I woke up, realized I slept through my morning lecture again.
11:00 AM -12:20 Class
12:20-1:15 PM - Ate lunch with friends
1:15-3:00 PM - Not sure where this time went
3:00-4:00 PM - Got some paper work done for financial aid
4:00-5:30 PM - Did a response to a novel for my English class
5:30-6:00 PM - Did stuff online… such as CC right now</p>

<p>Plans for the rest of the day: eat dinner, study for a midterm for ~5 hours, sleep by 2 AM.</p>

<p>what is the difference between class, lecture, and (freshman) seminar?</p>

<p>someone please explain</p>

<p>The following is a true story many years ago as a Sophomore at Princeton.</p>

<p>While at my 4-man suite at Hamilton Hall, I woke up - the alarm failed to ring. It was around 8-9:00 am</p>

<p>I looked at the clock and was already 10 minutes late for one of my morning ChE classes at the E-quad. I had gone to bed at around 4:00 am working on some problem sets.</p>

<p>No shower, just quickly put on my clothes and started running towards class - a good 10 minute jog.</p>

<p>It was an important class where the class notes counted for big part of the grade.</p>

<p>As I ran towards the Equad in the chilly morning I noticed that it was kind of quiet outside, very eerie. I attributed this to the fact that it was already several minutes into the beginning of all classes scheduled at that time. Even now I distinctly remember this happening as I jogged between Firestone and the Chapel.</p>

<p>How can no one be entering or leaving the Library?</p>

<p>I started to panic.</p>

<p>As I finally arrived at the Equad and rushed over to the classroom, I again noticed that the halls were empty - no one walking around - not a single soul…very very eerie and weird, even for that time of the morning.</p>

<p>I prepared to open the classroom door, expecting to be embarrassed for being late.</p>

<p>I opened the door and…</p>


<p>no one was in the classroom.</p>

<p>I looked outside and verified that it was the proper room</p>

<p>what could have happend?</p>

<p>did they move the class to another classroom?..nope…no signs of this…</p>

<p>I panicked further…</p>

<p>I started walking around the halls of the equad towards the administration office of ChE…it was closed…</p>

<p>strange…very strange…</p>

<p>I took a deep breath, relaxed - then I started thinking and realized:</p>




<p>Is it possible at Princeton to study well, write for the Daily Princetonian and participate in the Triangle Club?</p>

<p>random day (a t/th from my senior fall):
9:30 wake up, snooze
9:40 decide if I feel like going to my 10am class
9:55 see people walking by my room, decide to go
10:15-10:50 lecture 1
11-11:50 lecture 2
12-1 lunch!
head to lab, drop stuff in lab
1:30-3 class
3-5 labwork
5-2am prince</p>

<p>that was a class heavy day, other days I would be in lab most of the day.Weekend days are no where near as structured, but I would say that I would wake up at 12, go to brunch with my friends from 12:30-1:45 or so, and then either do some work, some errands, go to lab, etc, and then eat dinner and go out around 11-11:30 or so.</p>

<p>what is
5-2am prince??</p>

<p>Daily Princetonian, our school newspaper.</p>

<p>If that is the case then it appears the EC12134 never studies.</p>

<p>How can that be?</p>

<p>I mostly spent reading period studying for finals/writing papers, or I would study for the week before the test. I did not study constantly throughout the semester, although I did spend many sundays doing problem sets. That was also only one day of the week, on the non-prince days I would often stay up late doing the reading for precept or seminar the next day. Freshman/sophomore year I took more pset heavy classes and thus spent more days/week on the psets. </p>

<p>I didn’t have all As, but I did graduate with honors and in the second quintile. Between 12-15hrs/week of class, 40hrs/week of lab and 15 hrs/week of prince there wasn’t a ton of time to study by my senior year! But I knew by then that I wanted to go to grad school, so the lab was the most important.</p>

<p>^Haha, good call on the 40 hrs/wk in the lab then! Your PI must have loved you. Any pubs?</p>

<p>Yup, I got one first author (basically my thesis), I have a middle author one that is in review, and possibly another middle author one. The 40 hours wasn’t all labwork, it included 4pm tea in icahn as well! (plus our labs semi-weekly beer hour). Also I went to lab meeting, and big group meeting (basically lewis-sigler lab meeting) and to the MOL and the lewis sigler colloquiums. </p>

<p>Because I had spent so much time in lab, I definitely knew what I was getting into regarding grad school, plus the grad students were super helpful when it came to applying. By the time I graduated I had taken the same number of grad classes that mol phds needed to take. </p>

<p>I think one really big positive about princeton, if you are interested in pursuing grad school, is the senior thesis. Because you have to write a thesis (and a real thesis, not just a short paper like at harvard), you are given a real project that you have a chance to take ownership of. I am currently at MIT, and the UROPs (undergrads) there are given no where near the same amount of responsibility as the undergrads at princeton were.</p>