Typical Stats for JHMS and HMS?

<p>What do you think the typical stats are for students who get accepted into Johns Hopkins Medical School and Harvard Medical School in terms of GPA, extracurriculars, MCAT scores, professor recommendations, personal essays and etc...?</p>

<p>uh really high for sure
like 35+ MCAT and 3.7+ gpa</p>

<p>but i would assume that to a high school student that doesnt mean anything because you don't exactly know yet what college is like or how the mcat is</p>

<p>let's just say for high school purposes that if to get into a top college such as JHU or Harvard, you need to be among the very top of your high school - to get into one of those medical schools - you need to be at the top of those colleges which are each filled with hundreds of kids like you. Not to psyche you out but realistically its hard to get in to great medical schools - tho very possible if you strongly apply yourself. hope i helped.</p>

<p>The great thing is that all US med schools provide a sound education (overall pass rate on the USMLE is approx. 95%) so one doesn't need to go to JHU SOM or HMS to become a good physician.</p>