<p>So what would a typical day at Tufts be like? Run me through what Jumbos do from the time they wake to the time they sleep, please.</p>
<p>go to class, meet friends, study, eat, sleep?</p>
<p>Engineer? Biology? Dance? Rugby Player? Vaguest question ever.</p>
<p>Tuftslife.com is the homepage for a great many Tufts students and will show you a list of events happening on any given day, as well as featuring announcements and links and things that students need. </p>
<p>It’s a good start.</p>
<p>Wow, I went to that website and the first thing I saw was “Public policy internship”… exactly something I’d love to do in college and hope to make a career out of. Which of course is (part of the reason) why I love Tufts…</p>
<p>Keep checking [url=<a href=“http://www.tuftslife.com%5DTuftsLife%5B/url”>http://www.tuftslife.com]TuftsLife[/url</a>] - the schedule updates for every day - and (when I was an undergrad) it was how I kept track of all the things I wanted to do.</p>
<p>Wake up, have DeWick Waffles for breakfast, go to class uphill, come downhill for lunch, go uphill to library, go to meeting, go downhill to pick up dinner from Hodgeton, study, watch TV with friends, go to sleep.</p>