****. typo T_T

<p>I am hecka freaking out. I had like two perfect essays, and I realized, I have a typo. I spelled upon “opon”.</p>

<p>I am going to go kill myself right now, argh.</p>

<p>Has anyone done something this stupid before? </p>

<p>T<em>T T</em>T T_T</p>

<p>I wrote "this is why i am applying to university of CALIFORNIA" instead of "WASHINGTON".... you cant be worse than mine...</p>

<p>but seriously, I am hecka paranoid. I slaved over this essay. I am using open office (which sucks btw) and it didn't catch this for some reason. Now I have this stupid thing on my mind, when I reeeeeeeeeely want to get into Berkeley.</p>

<p>relax, similar thing happened to me, but instead of one spelling error, I had two grammar errors. I was rereading my essays sometime after I submitted the app, and then, oh my god.... there were two instances where my sentences were incorrect.</p>

<p>This is an example of one of the errors in my essay

The investment my parents made in me must yield success no matter the despite any obstacles that may lie.


<p>Poor editting. There were actually 3 versions of this sentence, I was changing them using copy/paste, and somehow, it ended up like that and I didn't catch it until later.</p>

<p>But hey, here I am in Berkeley now =)</p>

<p>@lovelylin, ouch.. =/</p>

<p>thanks kevin, your sentence cracks me up. even though my spelling error was probably on the same level of retardedness.</p>

<p>tkd2009, don't worry about it. What's done is done. I doubt an admissions officer will hold it against you that much anyway.</p>

<p>Ah, I did something similar. Only in my case, it was the omission of a "not", which would probably confuse the readers. I hate catching things after the fact. D:</p>

<p>i had a grammar error in mine. i used the wrong tense lol which kinda changed the meaning of the sentence a bit. but i guess it didn't affect the decisions that much tho, or maybe it didn't at all. 'cause my admissions and rejections seemed pretty reasonable when the decisions came out.</p>

<p>They're not going to reject you just because you spelled upon incorrectly. I wouldn't sweat it.</p>

<p>I spelled company comapny. I found it 5 minutes after i pressed submit.</p>

<p>Let's hope small typos are overlooked</p>

<p>For berkeley I accidently put smell instead of small…</p>

<p>Honestly, they probably won’t notice. They didn’t have you write the essays to check your grammar, they had you write them to learn about yourself. They couldn’t care less about a single typo, I’m sure.</p>

<p>Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure the purpose of the personal statement is not to assess your writing skills, but to add dimension to your application (i.e. information about you that doesn’t fit anywhere else in the app). It’s so that the application evaluator can get to know more about you. It’s the content, not the format.</p>